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I'm Zachary Lloyd!
And this page is all about me!!!

My brother Luke and I were born 3 months early. I weighed 2 lbs. 2 oz. and I was 13 inches long. This is a picture of me in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit when I was about 2 1/2 months old. I weighed about 4 pounds.

My lungs were very immature when I was born so they put me on a machine called a ventilator. The ventilator caused my blood pressure to go too high and I had a Grade IV Ventricular Hemorrhage. When Mommy & Daddy were told I would probably have Cerebral Palsy and Mental Retardation they said they still wanted to adopt me anyway. Because I needed so many IV's they shaved my head from ear to ear and put one in my head. The first time Daddy saw me he said, "Honey, do you think his hairline will always be that high?" Mommy just laughed and explained about the IV.

I left the hospital on oxygen and lots of medications. I was diagnosed with Bronchopulmonary Dyslplasia (lung damage) and Periventricular Leukomalacia (PVL). PVL meant that they could see portions of brain tissue that had died from lack of oxygen. When I was about 18 months old I was diagnosed with Severe Spastic Quad Cerebral Palsy and Mental Retardation. Cerebral Palsy means that my muscles will not work properly due to brain tissue damage.

In August of 1996 I had a Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy. The Neurosurgeon opened my spinal cord and cut specific sensory nerves to help my muscles be looser. This helped me sit better but since my legs were still too tight they did a Hamstring release and an Abductor release in February 1997. These were to help my legs have a greater range of motion. Unfortunately I had nerve damage in my feet result and the pain medicine took my appetite away. I went from 35 lbs. to 27 lbs. in less than 3 weeks. The Doctors thought I might die. In May 1997 I had a G-tube and a Nisson procedure done. The G-tube is a stomach opening that allows liquid food to be pumped in. The Nisson is a procedure where they wrapped the upper part of my stomach around itself to keep the food in the stomach. Prior to this surgery I had something called GERD (Gastroesophogeal Reflux Disorder.) This is like having the mother of all heartburn! This is a picture of me after my last surgery.

In this picture I weigh 41 pounds. Don't I look great? Now I weigh over 60 pounds and I'm really hard for mom to lift! I was also named after my Uncle Lloyd. Uncle Lloyd and I really like trains! This is my train hat that I wear when we go on train rides together.

But my most favorite thing of all to do is watching Gerbert on TV. Mom and Dad say that I am Gerbert's biggest and best fan! I have watched Gerbert since I was 8 months old. When I was that little it was the only thing I liked. My older brother JP said when he was away from home in the Navy he would find himself humming the Gerbert theme song and that's how he knew he was really homesick!! When I was going into the hospital to have my SDR the nice people that make Gerbert products sent me some new video and music tapes for free! I loved one of the new music tapes so much I wore it out after just two days in the hospital!! Mom says when I am a little bigger I can use my wish from the "Make a Wish Foundation." Yep! You guessed it! I'm going to ask to go to Texas so I can meet Gerbert! If you want to learn more about Gerbert and how you can order some of his tapes you can get to his home page by clicking on the picture of him on the right! And remember to tell him I sent you!!

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Mark & Susan Mahserjian-Smith

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