Searching for Family of Wellington "Duke" Shay

My niece, Tammy Elizabeth Shay, would like to locate surviving members of her fathers family. Her parents separated prior to her birth on February 13, 1965 and she never knew her father. She would like to meet her "other relatives" and get to know a little bit about them and her father.

Duke had been married previously to Margaret Joy (maiden name unknown) and had been living in Michigan with her and their children. He married Margaret Maureen Patterson in Denver, Colorado.

Duke was born February 9, 1915, presumably in Michigan. He died in Arizona in December of 1985.

Tammy would really like to get a photograph of her father and find out about his life. Her parents were separated before her mother even realized she was pregnant and it is possible that he never knew of this daughter that is now searching for his surviving family members.

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