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Diapering Bulletin Board Web Page



Looking for a business? You are sure to find it listed at Born to Love...

Product and Company Reviews

Diapering Guides

How to Wash Diapers

How do I make my own diapers?

Web Pages Promoting Cloth Diapering

Cloth versus Disposables

Personal Diapering Web Pages

Direct Links to Manufacturers

Support the Home Businesses of ParentsPlace Moms!

  • Peggy's Diapers, Slings N' Things (4_4now) Peggy sells Gerber DSQs, WAHM-made fitted diapers and toddler prefolds, WAHM-made butt sweaters, Polar Babies fleece diaper covers, Alexis and DAPPI diaper covers and pants, Kushies flushable diaper liners, WAHM-made diaper doublers, Dritz diaper pins, slings, homeopathic and natural remedies and teas, breast pads, organic cotton tampons, WAHM-made cloth menstrual pads, and Burt's Bees Products
  • Luke's Drawers Carolyn is a WAHM business and makes Cotton Candy's Fleece Diapers. Coming soon: Luckys" Jersey Knit Diapers, Fleece Diaper Covers, and Doublers and Fleece liners
  • Sweet Cheeks Baby Supply (avesmommy) Cloth diapers, nursing supplies, herbals, and more. Her motto is "Natural Products for Natural Family Living." You can call for a free catalog (1-877-786-4805).
  • Sweet Pea's Cloth Diapers (brenda_c) Brenda sells WAHM-made fitted diapers, prefolds, and diaper doublers; diaper covers; and diapering accessories.
  • Natural Baby Store (jcampiani) Offering natural baby products including baby slings, baby toys, baby holders, breastfeeding supplies, nursing bras, maternity and nursing clothes, cloth diapers, llama wool baby blankets and more...
  • Kanggah's Neighborhood (kanggah) "Cheap and Environmentally-Friendly Parenting." Kanggah offers quality new and used infant and toddler clothing, cloth diapers, toys, and more through an online resale and outlet store. Her web site includes extensive resources for those living by "reduce, re-use and recycle" for both economic and environmental reasons and those wanting to teach their kids the same.

Phone/Mail/Internet Order Companies (Listed Alphabetically)

Swaps and Auctions

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