Index | FAQ | Reviews

Index of Additional FAQ and Review Pages:

These six pages of miscellaneous links may or may not be helpful. I simply have not had time to check these posts out and organize the ones that looked good into the FAQ.

  1. What is the best way to fold a prefold diaper on a newborn?? I will be pinning...
  2. what is the difference between a Prowrap and the Bummi SWW?
  3. What is the difference between flats and prefolds? Are they the samething? (nt)
  4. What is the difference between ME Airflow and Air-rika?nt
  5. What is the difference between white and unbleached ME diapers?
  6. What is your favorite diaper cover for a 7 lb newborn?
  7. What is your favorite diaper cover for newborns and why?
  8. What is your favorite diaper cover???
  9. What is your favorite diaper cream? more
  10. What is your favorite fitted diaper and why? (nt)
  11. what kind of fabric should I use to make a diaper pail liner?
  12. What kind of pajamas do you all use? I am having troubles...m
  13. What should I use at night? nt
  14. What size prefolds should I buy (Premium or Toddler)? I'm switching my 22 month old son to cloth......
  15. What to do for stump on NB if using fitted, with no stump cutout? TIA!
  16. What type of all-in-one would you recommend (more) ??
  17. What velcro/aplix covers does everyone like? (m)
  18. What weight twill do most people prefer for diapers?
  19. What's best diapering system for a newborn?
  20. Whats better, a wet or dry pail method? N/T
  21. What's the best cover for prefolds, on an almost 20# babe with chunky thighs?? Suggestions?? nt
  22. What's the best cover to go over Snugglebottoms for an infant???
  23. What's the best detergent for washing diapers (prefolds)?
  24. whats the difference between Chinese Prefolds and DSQ Prefolds (not the gerber ones) nt
  25. What's the difference between Kushies Basic and Classic? (nt)
  26. What's your favorite AIO and why?nt
  27. What's your favorite diaper cover?
  28. When does the pooping slow down????
  29. When you all travel, what do you use to put your dirties in?
  30. Where can i find a diper pail for cloth diapers?
  31. Where can I find Tushies or any other gel free disposable?
  32. Where can I get a cloth diaper holder? (m)
  33. Where can I get a kit for making a Waldorf style doll?
  34. Where can I get diaper pails and liners at a decent price? (more)
  35. Where can I get Lavendar and Tea Tree Oil for homeade wipe solution? nt
  36. Where can I purchase diaper pail liners? I've seen them a few times but can't remember at which sights it was. nt
  37. Where can you buy the cotton diaper fabric for making homemade 4-8-4 DSQ dipes?
  38. Where do I find a snappy? (snappi?, that thing to use in place of pins). nt
  39. Where do I find quality diaper flannel at a good price? How about unbleached? nt
  40. Where do I stick a deodisk on a pail that wasn't meant to be a diaper pail? (m)
  41. Where do you find Castile Soap (more questions inside)
  42. Where do you put the diaper pail and does it stink really bad? Dh is getting cold feet...................more
  43. where does a new mom start with cd?
  44. Where have you found diaper pails? Can't find any for cloth diapers in stores. nt
  45. Where to buy bravado nursing bras and how to find out about sizing? nt
  46. wheres sunflower babies? (nt)
  47. Whether it is economical to use cloth
  48. Which cover(s)do you find provide the trimmest fit over fitted dipes?
  49. Which covers for which dipes? m
  50. Which do you all prefer - ME Pops or Sandys?...(m)
  51. Which do you prefer: *Front Snaps* or *Side Snaps* for fitted dipes? nt
  52. Which prefold pinning method works best for 25 lb boy toddler in an Aristocrat? TIA
  53. Which type of diaper pail is best to use with cloth diapers? (m)
  54. Which waterproof training pants do you like? -nt
  55. Who does the best cloth training pants at a reasonable price?
  56. who sells lg cup nursing bras?
  57. Who stores cloth wipes with the solution? How does it work? more
  58. Why are "whale" sandys more desirable than non-whale ones? nt
  59. Why are ProRap Classics bigger than ProRap Basics?
  60. Why can't ME diaps be mentioned as such over the internet?? *m*
  61. why 'chinese' pre-folds???
  62. Why do my clean dipes smell like urine?
  63. Why is my little boy leeking all the time ? *m*
  64. WHY OH WHY is my fleece cover leaking??????? more
  65. Will be shopping for a washer/dryer soon (DS due in just 5 weeks!) any suggestions? THANKS!
  66. Will changing to cloth encourage potty training?
  67. Wipe or not to wipe...
  68. Wipes recipe...
  69. With Fitted Diapers, do you prefer snaps or velcro? (nt)
  70. WOO-HOO, I got my diaperaps last week and I LOVE them...m
  71. Would like to switch to CD at night, need suggestions for heavy wetters
  72. Would love to cloth diaper but am soooo confused!
  73. Would those of you who have a favorite wipe recipe mind sharing? Thanks!! (nt)
  74. Would wool aristocrat be too hot for nightime in the Florida heat/humidity (with A/C of course!)? If so...(m)
  75. Y'all tell me about Darla's Fitted Diapers, please. nt
  76. Yeast infection question
  77. Yes, I am poll-happy this week! What diaper cover do you consider a "must try"?
  78. Yet another diapering a newborn question (m)
  79. Yet another long did your baby remain in nb prefolds, what did he/she weigh at birth? thanks! (nt)
  80. Yet another question about folding prefolds...
  82. You pinners have been holding out on me! I just found the cutiest fold using pins (m)

Index | FAQ | Reviews

Index of Additional FAQ and Review Pages: