Welcome to Michelle's Room!

I hope you will enjoy your stay.

Hi! My name is Michelle and I am 9 years old. I live with my mom in Massachussetes.

I have a new kitty and his name is Tippy. He was born on May 21, 1998. He really loves to play alot.

My Mom is helping me with this page so it will take time for me to put everything on here. I hope you will come back and see what I have done.

I hope you enjoy the sites I have down below. I enjoy them very much.

Here is a picture of me in my softball uniform. I was on a team called The Lions Club. We had lots of fun. I made lots of new friends and my mom kept score for the team. I can't wait to play next year.

Here is a picture I drew after I read the book Heidi. This is Heidi and her girlfriend climbing the mountain to her Grandfathers cabin.

Here is another picture I drew of Black Beauty. I also read that book. I like horses.

Links to other sites on the Web

Disney-This is a great place to play games and draw pictures.
Discovery-I like to go here and see Keiko the whale.
SueBee has all different things for kids to do and reciepes on there, too.

Check out the Magic Cave. It is a neat trick if you can figure it out.

This is a page with Barbie and some neat things to do.

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