Hi! Welcome to our room. As you might of guessed, we're sisters.


I am 11 years old and in the 6th grade this year. I like Science and Social Studies best. My favorite color is purple.

I like these animals: rabbits, cats, wolves, and monkeys; and I love playing with yoyos.

My hobbies are Cross-stitching, reading, plastic canvas, and collecting rocks and stickers. My favorite boardgame is Clue. I also like to play games on the computer.

I really love to read books, especially any horror book I can get my hands on. My favorites are "Goosebumps" and "Ghosts of Fear Street."

I like to listen to country music. My favorite songs are "Strawberry Wine" and "Butterfly Kisses."

I also like to watch TV. My favorite movie is "Monkey Trouble" because it is funny. My favorite cartoon characters are Scooby Doo and Bugs Bunny. My favorite TV show is "Are You Afraid of The Dark."


I am 5 years old and in Kindergarten this year. My favorite color is yellow.

My favorite animal is a tiger. They are yellow with black stripes.

I love playing with dolls, especially Barbie dolls. I also like to play with blocks, yoyos, and a hair curler set. My favorite boardgame is Candyland. My hobbies are playing with Barbie dolls and making things with plastic canvas.

I haven't learned to read yet, but will this year in school. I love to have stories read to me. My favorite book is "The Owl and the Pussy Cat."

My favorite song is "Old McDonald Had a Farm." I love the cartoon movies "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" and "Cinderella." My favorite TV shows are Barney, Blues Clues, and Sesame Street.

That's all the things we can think of. We hope you like our links to our favorites places.


Children's Television Workshop (Sesame Street)
The Crayola Homepage
The Disney Homepage
Official Lego World Wide Web Site
The PBS Homepage
The Jim Henson Company
Warner Brothers Online
You Can With Beakman And Jax

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