Jeana's Page

Hi! I'm Jeana.

I am a black and tan female Dachshund. I am about 12 years old. I have been spayed and very glad of it! I like to eat and play with my. I've had a tough life, I had to live on the streets for a while and then had to live in a shelter. A nice woman from the Animal Protection Association saved my life, I was on death row because the shelter didn't have much room. My mom then rescued me from this nice woman and now I live like a queen. I have my own couch and my own room, ahhhh. I am so thankful! I like to sleep under the pillows on my Mom's bed to keep warm. I don't like to share my food or petting so I have to fuss at my brothers and sisters, when will they ever learn!! Well, I gotta go for now. I hope you enjoy my page.

This is me waking up in the morning from my warm spot under the pillows. I really hate to get up in the mornings.

Oh, and one more thing--if you are thinking of getting another pet please check your local shelter because they are forced to kill an average of 70 animals per day (my shelter anyway, yours could be more).

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