Wrenn Family Reunion 1997

Willie Wrenn Bunch

The Wrenn Family Reunion for 1997 was held at Lake Enid, Mississippi on Sunday, May 25, 1997. The Wrenn's meet here annually. We had a lot of fun and the cooking was great. There was plenty of food and everyone that came out had lots of fun meeting family and reacquainting themselves with old friends.

Stan and Deanna Wrenn were the hosts of the event. Stan and his wife, Deanna are living in Tennessee.

There were 65 family members in attendance this year and we hope for more next year.

Wrenn family members came from Texas, Tennessee, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, and North Caralina.

The Polly (Wrenn) Witherspoon family included: Polly Witherspoon, husband, John Witherspoon; son, Michael Witherspoon and wife, Candie (Sims) Witherspoon, and daughter, Sarah.


Frank and Son with Aunts

We hope you will join us next year at the same time and place. E-mail me if you would like to be notified of any changes.

Or you can email Stan Wrenn at wrennsd@juno.com
Mailing address is:
6741 Franie Lane, Arlington, TN 38002 .

Or email the creator of this site at: Michael Witherspoon


John, Lonnie, and CleonJohn Witherspoon, Cleon McAlpine, and Lonnie Creel
Stan and Deanna
Stan and Deanna Wrenn
Polly (Wrenn) Witherspoon and Richard Wolfe

Wrenn Family Home Page