Welcome Grandparents!


If we accept the challenge of raising grandchildren, we often find ourselves working with a financial plan or retirement plan that did not include the expenses incurred by raising young children. There are doctor bills and sporting events, cub scouts and campfire girls..however, there are some resources that you may want to know about. I have listed the Social Security Online* website because some of the children we are raising have suffered abuse/or neglect and may have a disability or functioning problem.

My grandson, for instance is disabled and qualifies for SSI, which helps me to obtain the services he needs. Social Security planning is also useful for grandparents. A child may need special schooling or special ed. and that is covered under "special needs" on this website.

Good luck and check back often as I research sites that may be of use to you as they have been to me. Love to you and to those you love. Mari Susan

Social Security Online *Adoption AssistanceAdoption Advocates, an excellent site for updates and case lawState Profiles on Adoption SubsidyClick Here to Return to Homepage