1799/1814-John BREASHEARS of Christian Co, KY to Warren/White CO & Giles CO Tennessee.

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Our Ancestor The Orphan Of William" John Breazier b-1699

1799/1814-John BREASHEARS of Christian Co, KY to Warren/White CO & Giles CO Tennessee.

The records for Middle Tennessee, 1799-1819 were destroyed. The few that are left are helpful in solving the riddle of who the Brashears Men in White and Warren County Tennessee really were.

I have made the following lists to help track them through the years 1799 to about 1819 from Spartenburg South Carolina to Lawrenceburg Tennessee, where we find Henry Alexander Breshears estate settlement. I give much more documentation in my book "Bresdhears Welding Links".

*** White County Tennessee Connections ***


    The following men are all enumerated under the same h/h number in the 1820 State Census for Tennessee, viz:
    • ...BAZEL BRASHER: h/h 369) WM 200001-WF 21010 (s/o Thomas?)

    • ...BERRY BRASHER: h/h 369) WM 210010-WF 31010 (s/o John)

    • ...JOHN BRASHER : h/h 369) WM 200001-WF 12010 (Littleberry (now John Sr.? )

    • ...MIDDLETON BRASHER: h/h 369) WM 000100-WF 10100 (s/o John Sr. o/SC)

    • ...THOMAS BRASHER: h/h 369) WM 100101-WF 00101(s/o John Sr. o/SC)


  • ...WILLIAM BASHEN: WM 000100-WF 01000 (NC William BASHEN land grant?)

  • 1830...BEDFORD CO TN - Middle TN Pioneers. Also seen as BRADSHAW/BRASHEAR:

  • ...JAMES BRESHEEN: WM 0011001-WF 00200101 (an elderly family?)

  • ...JOSIAH BRESHEEN: WM 11001- WF 112011

  • ...LEMUEL BRESHEEN: WM 000301- WF 222001

  • ...WILLIAM BRESHEEN: WM 0000000001-000000001 (not living there-only slaves?)...

  • ...WILLIAM BRESHEEN: WM 0022101-WF 00011001 (William JR.) This must be the father William BRASHER who appeared in the 1830 list of Middle TN Pioneers below.

    A Henry (son of John of Spartenburg), William and Elizabeth (Elizabeth Cooper Breashear) widow of John Breshears Sr. of Spartenburg Co., SC, took land in Warren Co., TN in 1815.

    ... Elizabeth was conveyed land by William, Laban, J (James or John) and Elyjah (2) - descendants of James BREAZIER of Cumberland NC. These heirs match the family of WM & Sarah Horn Brazier It appears the heirs of the "Intire Brzear Estate" in Cumberland County North Carolina, were looking after the widow ELIZABETH(COOPER) BREAZIER wife of the now deceased John BREAZIER Sr. of Spartnburg South Carolina..

    All of the above are probably descendants (heirs of John's son John-- "Orphans" of William & Elizabeth Clayton Breashear.)

    (The James BRESHEEN sic here could be JAMES BESHEAR "Stiff Knee Jim", as indicated by Draper (The Filson Club Qtrly pg 10,544 - about 1800) as being in the territory South of the Ohio. This must be James Mumford Brazier's heirs of Cumberland Co., NC and Worcester Co., Maryland.

    Middle Tennessee Enumerations

    1830...A list of Middle Tennessee Pioneers (1830-State Census-Middle TN), gives a

    Thomas Brashears son of John BRESHEARS of Spartenburg Co., SC, was living in Rutherford Co., TN

  • ...THOMAS BRASHEARS W Male: 020001 (elderly) WF: 00101 (elderly). He lives close to:

  • ...JESSE BRASHEARS W MALE: 00001001 (elderly)- WF: 01100001 (SP: Betsy Wright)

  • ...WILLIAM BRASHEARS W MALE: 000001(?) WF: 10001. (very old?)

  • ...JAMES BRASHER W MALE: ................................


    Thomas above,must be the Thomas who is seen with THOMAS ETHERIDGE from Norfolk Co., VA, in the early Tennessee records. Thomas Brashear died in Warren County TN naming his wife Amie [Miller or Mitchell?]. A Thomas ETHERIDGE settled in WEAKLY COUNTY TENNESSEE. [[Looking for the THOMAS BRASHEAR of White Co., TN., who appears with the rest of the clan along with HENRY ALEXANDER BRESHEARS & Tho. ETHERIDGE descendants]] This could be him. Thomas's wife AMIE is named in his will of Warren Co., TN. (insert). There is an Amie (Miller or Mitchell) named in her mother's Will in Maury Co TN. [Connection to THOMAS - NO PROOF].

    1866...Tishomingo Co. (MS Probate records, under misc., Bk 9, pg 522): Amelia (Amie) BOSHEARS, widow of THOMAS BOSHEARS died Sep 1866. 2 minor children Jane P. Boshears & Thomas J. BOSHEARS. The land- a section, encumbered by deed of trust & small personal property - assets due.

    Sooooo - is this the clan from Warren/White Co. TN, via Lawrenceburg Tennessee? Thomas Brashear is Anna Locke's Mississippi documentation. See her research from Corinth Mississippi where she found her Berry and Anna BRESHEARS before removal to Arkansas (ID602-notes to GH 1964ish).

    There was a Thomas J. BRASHER in Talladega Co. AL, in 1850, son of James who had a brother Thomas BRASHER - I'm wondering, sure looks like there might be a connection here - GH ? This could be James M. BRASHER who went to Angelina Co., TX.

    !Notes: Compiled from records submitted to GH, from Mrs. Livingston abt 1969. Original research in SC, TN and KY by Georgene Eytchison Humphries. Dorothy Elliott research. "BQ", #11, by Charles Brashears and Robert Brashears's research of Spesutia Church records, Baltimore Maryland (1991-2). 1968-9...Andrea's SC Brashears Report.

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    Last Updated on March 7, 1998 by Georgene (Eytchison) Humphries
    Copy Right By Georgene Humphries © 1992-1998. All rights reserved

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