This is when a group, mostly co-workers, individually brings some food, collectively buys some gifts, and signs a card for somebody who is (1) leaving for another job someplace else; 2) retiring. Pot Lucks are also held to commemorate some Philippine or American significant days like: (1) Independence Day, (2) Labor Day, (3) Christmas.

These get together are few and limited to small groups, but they are most welcome. If you happen to be in one of them, you will notice that these pot lucks very quickly transform everybody to the typical Kapit Bahay(neighbor) that you left behind back in your hometown. Everybody will be enquiring on when will be the next one even before the pot luck is over. That's because everybody feels a little more sense of belonging even only for that short time, as shown in the very happy faces of this group

who organized a potluck to bid farewell to a Kababayan who was moving to San Diego. This group composed of employees in different Agencies and Departments located within the same building in downtown Long Beach.

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