The Gap Theory: FACTS
The gap theory was first proposed aobut 1814 in an effort to defend the bible against attacks resulting from new interpretations of geology. The theorys basic proposition is that there is a possible time gap between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. This idea was first suggested by Dr. Thomas Chalmers of Edinburgh University, a contemporary of Charles Darwin.
Belief in the Gap Theory spread widenly after it's inclusion as a footnote in the Scofield Reference Bible (Edition One, 1917)
The Gap theory is nothing
more than a subtle attempt to intrgrate the concept of evolution
into the thinking of christians.
Why do the enemies
of God put so much effort into trying to destroy the book of Genesis?......
because it is the foundation for the rest of the bible...... When
the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? (Ps.
11:3) ......... would anyone build a house from the roof down?
Genes is the foundation of Christianity.
An omonipotent
God chose to create the world in 6 days so man would have a pattern
to establish his work habits. His purpose was to create the seven
day week as a pattern for man to follow:
Six days you shall labor and do all your work.... For in six
days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all
that is in them....." Exodus 20:9, 11 (written in stone)
Hebrew word "yom" is translated DAY in Genesis 1 &
2. The repeated reference to "evening and morning" after
each of the Creation days makes it all the more clear that these
are to be understood as literal days, not ages.
"Yamin" (translated "days" is used 700 times in the Old Testament and has never proved to mean anything other than literal days. The word YAMIN is used in Exodu 20: 9,11. Yamin is the plural of YOM
"Evening and morning"
is repeated after every single "day" in Genesis 1.
shold believe Genesis is literally true because Jesus did.
Jesus built doctrines like marriage
on the literal events of Genesis. (Matt. 19 4-6).
MAT 19:4 "Don't you read the Scriptures?" he
replied. "In them it is written that at the beginning
God created man and woman,
MAT 19:5 and that a man should leave his father and mother,
and be forever united to his wife.
....................without the book of Genesis the reason for
marring a woman instead of a man cannot be justified. Is it any
wonder "they" try to alter the gospel.
bible says an all powerful God created man that was fully developed,
fully equipped, fully functional, "very good" and free
of disease or suffering or death.
He did not set into motion swirling masses of slime that eventually
evolved into a human life form. Anology:
When Jesus spoke to still the storms, the storms didn't wait several
weeks before it quit...... it stopped immeadiately!
to the biblical record, during the first three days, the source
of light was not the sun, but some other "light" (Gen.
GEN 1:3 And God said, "Let there be light," and there
was light.
Evolution causes anti-God actions. It destroys in many minds
the Genesis foundation.
Evolution destroys the gospel of Jesus Christ. Combining evolution with christianity has only helped Satan undermine the church.
Evolution-contaminated theology
can destroy the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Problems with the Big Bang.......Compatible
with the bible?
1. It postulates that a big bang took place, billions of years
ago and from this explosion galaxies gradually began to take shape
and form...... after billions of years, the earth was formed and
billions of years later it cooled and life slowly emerged from
nothing.......... yet the bible says God created all the heavens
and earth in six literal days.
The bible says that death did not exist before Adam's sin and God's curse.... sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin.(Romans 5:12)........... so dinosaurs could not have existed before man.
When God finished the Creation week, he indicated that the entire earth and all its contents were "very good". Would God have said this if the earth underneath Adams feet was filled with dead, broken animals. Would God have created a perfect man on top of a giant graveyard?
If evolution occurred during "The Gap" why didn't God tell us plainly, so we would understand. Why STRUGGLE so hard to put evolution into the bible when the fit is so unnatural.
How much of the rest of the bible can be trusted? Was Abraham
literal? The ten commandments? How about John 3:16? Christs miraculous
birth? death? resurrection? If evolution is true then Gods word
is deceptive, Yet God is always truthful.
Evolution does not agree with the bible:
Evolution says: Flowering plants and pollinating insects evolved together through mutual benefit. Bible says Plants were created on Day 3, insects on Day 6.
Evolution says stars existed before the earth: Bible says Earth existed before the stars.
Evolution says Birds evolved from reptiles. Bible says reptiles"creeping things" were created after the birds.
Evolution says humans came into existence in the last 1/1500th of the earths history. Bible says man was created less than six days after the begining of Creation.
Evolution says early man were
small-brained, ape-like, primitive, and lived more or less like
animals. Bible says man was fully equipped from the very begining
and quickly developed all the basics of civilization: city building,
metal, tool making, music, etc.
GEN 4:20 And Adah bare Jabal: he was the father of such as
dwell in tents, and of such as have cattle.
GEN 4:21 And his brother's name was Jubal: he was the father of
all such as handle the harp and organ.
(more to come)