Dear Birthmother:

We are Rodney and Donna, and we are so grateful to you for considering our family for the adoption of your baby. We know that this is a very difficult decision, and you are showing true love and courage. If you choose us, we will love your baby unconditionally. We hope that we can reduce any anxiety you may be feeling about adoption by sharing with you who we are and what our desires in life are.

We've known each other all of our lives because we attended the same church and school. We have been married for over 14 years, and our friendship and marriage are built on love, trust, and mutual respect. We agree on how to raise our children, based on the principles we were raised with, and have spent the past 12 years parenting together. It has been the best experience life has had to offer. Hannah was born to us 2 years after we married, but since then we've not been able to have another child. These years of infertility have made us stronger as individuals and as a couple. After pursuing all infertility treatments and adoption options we were blessed with Bradley in February 1996. He came to us at the age of five months, and has brought so much joy to us and to Hannah, as she has wanted a sibling for so long. Our plan has always been to have four or five children and that desire remains strong.


Donna, 33, is a career homemaker and mother. She loves to sew and is a member of the local quilting guild. She loves to shop and each vacation offers a new challenge to find the best bargains. Donna has her associate's degree in accounting, but strongly believes in the virtues of staying home and is always available for our children. She is very loving and generous, always willing to sacrifice selfish desires for the good of the family. I love her with all my heart and am so thankful that she chose to be my wife, friend, and mother of my children. I've seen the way that she loves our two children and I know that she has so much more love to give.


Rodney, 38, is a career Air Force officer with more than 20 years of service. I've seen his commitment to his country be surpassed only by his commitment to God and family. He is a very gentle and kind man, who provides for his family not only financially but also emotionally. He's definitely not a passive father and I admire that in him. He loves being a daddy. He has his bachelors and masters degrees in education administration, which will enable him to get a good job after he retires from the Air Force. He enjoys woodworking and working on the computer.

The maturity Hannah gained by being an only child has helped her be a wonderful big sister. She loves Bradley with all her heart and is thrilled to have a brother. Everyone knows Hannah as the "girl with the long hair". It is knee length and very beautiful. She plays the piano, violin, and viola and has big plans to teach all her siblings to love music as much as she does. She is a motivated learner and is working above her grade level in all subjects. She enjoys being involved in the orchestra and choir at church. She loves traveling and collects dolls from all over the world.

Bradley has brought so much joy to all of us. We bonded with him instantly. He is a happy boy, loves to dance, and has the sweetest personality. He loves his "Sissy" and his favorite character is Winnie the Pooh.

Our goal as a family is to be as close knit as possible. We each try to be involved in the activities of the other family members. We love to travel and have been on vacation to places like Alaska, New Zealand, Korea, and Singapore. We enjoy looking at our pictures, reminiscing, and planning where we'll go next time. We spend some of our leisure time at the beach playing in the sand and watching the beautiful Okinawa sunsets. We live on a U.S. Air Force base with a population in the military community of over 25,000. We have all of the conveniences of a small rural community in the U.S. We live in a nice 3-bedroom 2-bath home with a fenced-in back yard. We look forward to moving back to the United States as our career in the Air Force ends within the next year, and we plan to build a log home in the mountains of Tennessee to be close to our families.

Please email us at or call our Lawyer, Linda Lach, at 1-888-222-9123.