torah ammi

Comfort my People

AMMI Ministry Purposes

AMMI is a non-denominational Bible believing and teaching mission work to the Jewish people. We began at a center city church in Philadelphia in l984 and became a mission board in l99l. AMMI has two main purposes; bring the Gospel to Jewish people and Ministering to the church. Click on title to get full ministry purpose.

Church and School Presentations

AMMI Ministry uses a variety of presentations for churches and schools to point Jewish people to the Gospel. AMMI uses traditional Jewish traditions and celebrations presented in a Christ-centered, and evangelistic perspective. These presentations are very effective in leading Jews and Gentiles into the saving grace of Jesus Christ.

Ron Elkin, Founder & Director

Here you will find the testimony of the founder and director of AMMI Ministry. Learn how God's amazing grace led a man raised in an Orthodox Jewish Home to the spiritual richness of a personal relationship with God. This will also give you an understanding of the motivation of AMMI's founder to begin an evangelistic mission work to his own people.

AMMI Doctrinal Beliefs

AMMI clearly and concisely states its doctrinal beliefs for your understanding.

Press Release

AMMI provides a prepared press release for use in your promotional efforts.