Antionette was born 8th child of 12.
She had 7 sisters -- (5 older--2 younger) & had 4 brothers -- (2 older--2 younger).
Antionette was 19 years old when she married (January 18, 1916). From the ages of 20-41 she gave birth to 15 children, including 3 sets of twins. Antionette was 71 years old when she died on July 12, 1968 in Dickinson, ND.
Four children preceded her in death, at 26 years old she lost Antionette (4 months old--Aug 24, 1923), at 38 years old she lost Mathias (2 days old--July 28, 1935), at 56 years old she lost Donald (19 years old--Dec 27, 1952), and at 71 years old she lost Anthony (44 years old--Feb 8, 1968).