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Bob's Genealogy Page

Updated Nov, 2003

Click Here for a tune that applies to most families"

Can You guess what it is?

I've been working on Steele and family history since 1985. The information on this web site is a small part of what I have acumulated over the years. If you think you might be related send me an e-mail and I will send you an invitation to my private "My Family site".

You can send e-mail to Bob Steele

View Guestbook Let me know If you find any errors and I will try to fix them.

If you are related and not included let me know and I will be glad to add you and your family.

If you are included and don't want to be let me know and I will remove your name.

Genealogy links: [DIR]

    Note: Andrew Jackson Steele was a cousin instead of a brother to Will Steele. I'm still researching this link.

    Sept 28, 1998 [TXT]
    My Surnames

    How I created the Surname file

    Some family Pictures to browse.

      My sister Janice's web page.

      Mary and Joe's Wedding Pictures

      This is our babies, huh, I mean DAWGS.

      Earl Steele's pictures from Australia during WWII

List of Steele and other Genealogy links inspired by Heartland/Ridge/6203.

Fred's Place

Visit My Coastie Page

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