Playoff Bracket



All-Star Game: 8:45 pm Tuesday, November 4, 2008
If you can't be there, please contact an alternate on your team to take your place.
Ashley Conference Emma Conference
Justin Spaulding (C) Drew Hudnall (C)
Casey Fulgenzi Nathan Worley
Sho Gray Steve Cook
Jason Schimke Jeremy Weed
Caleb Lewis Evan Freese
Aaron Brunsman Matthew Marion
Joey Emrick Nathan Logsdon
Paul Sweany JW Taylor
Allen Snell (G) Chris Dixon (G)
1st Alternate - Chris DaSilva 1st Alternate - Tyson Chastain
2nd Alternate - Michael Fischer 2nd Alternate - Luke Pattison



Call Steve Cook 3447 or Tyson Chastain at 3400 if you have any questions.

  1. General Guidelines:
    1. Teams are expected to obey the rules with Christian sportsmanship, and not to argue with the referees, nor to have to rely on the referees to make every call (e.g., if you go off-sides, and the ref doesn’t call it, go back onsides anyways).
    2. All games will begin with prayer.
    3. 3 periods of 12 minutes each.
    4. The games will be played with a ball.
    5. Non-playing teams must supply referees for the game.
    6. Team rosters will be created during warm-ups on the basis of which players of your team show up. Roster additions will closed after the opening face-off of the second period. Any player who enters the game site thereafter will be ineligible to play in that game.
    7. Teams may field no more than 5 players (usually 4 shooters + goalie) at one time.
    8. Teams must be ready to field their players at game time and promptly at the start of each period. In the event a team is short-handed, the referees may (at their discretion) start the game up to 10 minutes late, but no more.
    9. If only 4 players (3 shooters + goalie) on your team show up:
      1. You may request a 2nd string player from the other team.
      2. You may request that both teams play with 4 players fielded at a time.
      3. The opposing team has no obligation to comply with either request.
    10. If only 3 players on your team show up, you must forfeit the game.
      1. Teams may then mix players and play a game for fun.
  2. Goals
    1. Awarded when the entire ball enters the net area.
    2. Disallowed if the ball is intentionally kicked or batted in by an offensive player; allowed if knocked into one’s own net by the goalie or defensive player.
    3. Disallowed if the scoring team has a player off-sides.
  3. Playing the Ball
    1. Generally the ball is to be directed with one’s stick.
    2. Kicking the ball away or to a teammate is also legal.
    3. If the ball goes into the air, a player may bat it straight down to the ground by hand, or bat it out of his own defensive zone. A player may not catch the ball or pick it up off the floor.
  4. Face Off – The drop of the ball between two players of opposing teams.
    1. At the start of a period – face off in center circle
    2. After a goal is scored – face off in center circle
    3. When the ball is covered by a goalie for 2 seconds – face off along the three-point arc, on side where ball is covered.
    4. After a penalty has been assessed – face off at the spot closest to the infraction.
    5. During the face off, members of each team must stand on their own side of the face off line.
  5. Bring-Ins:
    1. Bring-ins will occur along the outer edge of the playing area. If the bring-in is due to an infraction, the bring-in will take place at the outer edge nearest the spot of the infraction.
    2. The opposing team must allow 7’ of play space for the bring-in. This space is forfeited if the bring-in player advances the ball.
    3. Teams must make a “good faith” effort to bring in the ball promptly. Stalling may result in a bring-in for the other team at the same spot and 5 seconds being added to the clock.
  6. Out of Bounds – any time the ball is out of the normal rectangle of play (out the door, in the spectator area, on the shelf behind the east net).
    1. The last player to touch the ball is at fault and possession will go to the other team for a bring-in at the approximate spot where the ball went out.
    2. If the ball leaves the playing area and immediately returns at roughly the same spot, play will continue without stoppage.
  7. The Goalie:
    1. May force a face off by covering the ball for two seconds.
    2. May immediately drop the ball to a teammate (within the three point arc) upon successfully making a glove save.
    3. May NOT cover the ball outside the 3-point arc or throw the ball to a teammate who is outside the 3 point arc. (first infraction = warning, second infraction – penalty served by a teammate)
  8. Penalties/infractions include:
    1. Off Sides – entering the offensive zone ahead of the ball.
      1. Will be enforced using the centerline.
      2. Results in a bring-in for the other team in the corner of their offensive zone.
    2. High Sticking – hitting (or attempting to hit) the ball with your stick above the waist.
      1. Results in a bring-in for the other team.
      2. 1½ minute penalty for additional infractions.
    3. Illegal slap shot – Any slap shot taken within the three-point line.
      1. Results in a bring-in for the other team.
    4. Cross Checking / Slashing - Hitting another player with your stick.
      1. Results in 1½ minute penalty.
    5. Hooking - impeding another player by grabbing them with the blade of your stick.
      1. Results in a bring-in for the other team, 1½ minute penalty or penalty shot depending upon the severity of the infraction.
    6. Tripping – using your stick or foot to cause another player to trip.
      1. Results in 1½ minute penalty.
      2. May be called in cases of carelessness, even if the trip is unintentional.
    7. Roughing - Unnecessary or excessively rough body contact.
      1. Results in 1½ minute penalty.
    8. Unsportsmanlike Conduct – Any conduct considered by the referee to be offensive or inappropriate. (arguing with the referee, cussing, digging, etc)
    9. Hand Pass – batting or throwing the ball to a teammate with your hand
      1. Results in a bring-in for the other team.
      2. A hand pass is legal in one’s own defensive zone.
    10. Fighting
      1. Results in removal from intramurals and school discipline.
  9. Penalty Guidelines:
    1. Player who commits an infraction will be out for 1½ minutes.
    2. Penalized team will play one man short.
    3. If a goal is scored against the penalized team while the penalty is being served, the penalty will end.
  10. Clock Operator:
    1. Clock will be stopped if the ball goes out of play and will require more than a few seconds to retrieve it. Clock will resume when the ball has been dropped back into play.
    2. Clock will be stopped for injuries or other situations in the referee’s judgment.
    3. If the game is within 1 goal during the last 2 minutes of the third period, the clock will be stopped during stoppages of play.
    4. Clock operator will give teams 2 minutes of break between periods.
  11. Tie Games
    1. Games ending in ties will remain ties during the regular season.
    2. Tie games in the playoffs will be settled by a 3-round “shootout” of successive penalty shots. Captains will determine shooters on a round-by-round basis. Team with most successful penalty shots wins. If no winner is determined after 3 rounds, the shootout will continue in single“sudden death” rounds. No player may attempt a second penalty shot until each member of the team has made an attempt. (Exception: if one team runs out of players and “starts over,” the other team may start over also, regardless of whether all team members have made an attempt.)
  12. Team Standings:
    1. Teams will earn 2 pts. for each win, 1 pt. for each tie, and zero points for each loss.
    2. Standings will be determined first by points, then goal differential, then goals scored.
    3. Playoff seedings and matchups will be determined by regular season standings.
  13. Frances Cup – awarded to the last team standing in the playoffs.

Regular season format: Each team will play every other team twice. Games will take place on Tuesdays at 8:45 and 9:45, on Wednesdays at 9:45, and on Thursdays at 8:45 and 9:45.

Playoff format will be double elimination, with the 5th and 4th seeded teams initially playing a single-elimination “play-in” game to determine which of them will advance to the double elimination tournament.

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