Sermon given Sunday, February 24, 2008
Title: "When Life Calls For Beagle Behavior"
Bible text: Romans 5:1-5
Lent is a time when Christians seeks ways of drawing their lives closer to God and of cultivating the qualities spiritual qualities that  empower our lives.  Paul wrote to the church members in Rome to help them know what qualities they ought to seek in their lives as committed followers of Christ.  Among the things he said they should strive for are character, obedience, hope, and patience.  
It is interesting to note that sometimes, the Holy Spirit takes God's message in the Bible, and reveals it to us in most unexpected ways.  Take the above qualities for example.  On Feb. 5, the final events of the 132nd Westminster Kennel  Club Dog Show were being held at Madison Square Garden, New York City.  No one expected what happened when the judge announced the winner of "Best of Show".  It was a dog named Uno.  But what made it historic was that Uno is a Beagle.  He was the first Beagle ever to win Best of Show.  When the news media asked his handler, Aaron Wilkerson, why he thought Uno won he said, "Because he had what it takes - character, obedience, and patience."   Notice the similarity?  All that was missing from that list was hope.  And actually Aaron Wilkerson had the hope.  So, in a manner of speaking, sometimes having the qualities that make for Christian living  means - having Beagle behavior. 
So whether we read the inspired words of St. Paul in Romans 5 or whether we see a lowly Beagle win something that took 132 years to happen, God is still at work.  The call of following Christ invites us to seek those qualities of character, obedience, hope, and patience.  They led Uno to the top level at the dog show.  For Christians who seek and nurture these qualities, they lead to a closer walk with the Lord.
       Devin R. Jones, Pastor of St. John's Church, Cappeln,MO