Dizzy aka FunnyGirl!

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Thanks for visiting my home page. I am living in Southern Oregon, being a transplant from California. I'm currently working in the Commercial Real Estate Market after working for the State of California in the Justice System Division for about 12 years. Prior to that I was in banking and was a beautician. If interested check out my resume.

I have a son, Chris (with his money winning fish) who is married to Sarah, they are currently living in Oregon with their four children Heather & Job (December 1997). Heather (on her first birthday) was born on July 24, 1995. Her brother, Job (at the park) was born on December 14,1996. And most recently are twins boys Josh and Jeb who were born on March 31, 2001.

I like all forms of music except, of course, rap and the new hard rock. My hobbies are cross stitching, sewing, knitting and crocheting for my family, I like making things especially for the grandkids. I enjoy fishing (trout's the best); playing golf occasionally, I also collect all types of bears (stuffed that is) and currently have a collection of Precious Moments and Infant Ceramic Collectible Dolls growing in leaps and bounds; and last but not least, I LOVE TO READ. Most of my reading is fiction, as I am into romance and crime novels that are out and about. But my favorite pastime of all is spending time with my family and grandkids here in Oregon. I have made numerous gifts over the years for friends and family with my handy little fingers. I'm also constantly the laugh of the party as you can see by my halloween get up.

Some of my other Favorite Links!

E-Mail Cards

Cyber Food & Gifts
Bluemountain Animated Cards
123 Greetings
Red Rose E-Cards
Select a Bouquet

The Late Princess Diana

Hear England's Rose - midi

Download Candle in the Wind 97 wav file (2.5meg). This is the original version, as sung by Elton John. This takes quite a while so be patient.

Hear "England's Rose" (Candle in the Wind) midi file. This is the "instrumental" version, the type often used as background music for web pages. The verses to the song are below.

To download to your PC, (for non Real Audio versions) right click over the link and choose "save link as" (for Netscape users) or "save target as" (for Internet Explorer users). To just listen to the music, just left-click over the link.

Goodbye England's Rose
May you ever grow in our hearts.
You were the grace that placed itself
Where lives were torn apart.
You called out to our country,
And you whispered to those in pain.
Now you belong to heaven,
And the stars spell out your name.

And it seems to me you lived your life
Like a candle in the wind:
Never fading with the sunset
When the rain set in.
And your footsteps will always fall here,
Along England's greenest hills;
Your candle's burned out long before
Your legend ever will.

Loveliness we've lost;
These empty days without your smile.
This torch we'll always carry
For our nation's golden child.
And even though we try,
The truth brings us to tears;
All our words cannot express
The joy you brought us through the years.

Goodbye England's Rose,
From a country lost without your soul,
Who'll miss the wings of your compassion
More than you'll ever know.

Graphics Sites

Animated Gif Finder
The Free Site

Create 101
Just Jane's
Cool Graphics
HTML Goodies
Animation Factory
Nettaxi Communities
Animated Gif Archive
500,000 Free Graphics
GIF Animation Site>

Here are more sites I have created:


MissCilla's Food, Spirits, Family and Friends

Mz_Cilla's Cancer Trial and Tribulations

Miss_Cilla's Stop!

Cilla's Drop-In Zone

Miss Cilla's Friends and Family

Miss Cilla's Dedication to Emeril Lagasse "Master Chef"

Miss Cilla's Dedication to Cancer Patients/Survivors



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Last Updated: June 19, 2001

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