Springfield Landing (LA)--09 Jul 1863
(p1) Dear Wife.... I take this chance to send you a few lines
to let you know that I am well and trust you and the children are
the same. I wrote on the 24th of June but think that it did not
go as no letters do go from here at present but I hope you wil
get this soon as you must think it long since I wrote last but
there has been no chance to send far a long time but you must not
think that I dont want any letters from you for you are free to
send wehn I am not. I got the box and was very happy to get the
likeness it is a good one. I hope you will send the childrens
soon but I suppose you are in want of money but I dont know when
they mean to pay as we cant get any new tickets as the colonel
has not got any. will send one as soon as I can get it. a part of
our regiment were attackted on the 2nd of July by about 300 rebel
calveley. the boys gave them fight and soon made them skedadle in
(p2) double quick time. we had only two wounded. they had a
large number killed and wounded. we took 14 prisoners, they took
5 of our men prisoners. they got in by capturing our pickets. I
was with the company doing guard duty 5 miles in woods at the
time of the fight. there was only 60 of our men in the fight.
they get great praise for their bravery and well they earned it
for there was a large amount of suplies here which the rebs would
like to have got. The rebs drove the Rhode Island cavalers at the
comencement but they could not drive the New Yorkers. the weather
is hot here now and unhealthy. there is a great many sick. Frank Halliday and Phillip
Dolun have gone to the hospital. they are not very ill and
will soon be out. We have got the news of the capture of
Vicksburg and Port Hudson will soon fall now and the we hope we
shall get some rest. give my love to Samuel,
Mrs Mudget and the family and all my friends. give my love
to Miss Halliday and Mr Nesbitt family. give my love to John and Belle and the children. I am in
great hopes
(p3) of seeing them are many moons have passed if God is
willing. Dear Eliza, I had such a
pleasant dream last night that it nearly apeared to be real. I
thought I was at home with you and the children all around me and
I felt so happy though you know I have no faith in dreams. I
realy think it is a forerunce of my return. I am glad that Willie is a good boy and that Affey and Janey are learning fast. they
must not cry about papa for God will not let him be shot if they
are good children and pray to him to send papa safe home. papa
sends you all a loving kiss and may the Lord protect and bless
you my dear family.
Your affectionate Husband and father--Laban
PS--I forgot to say that the things in the box were al safe.
I will send you my likeness when we get back to New Orleans, but
you will not know me. I have got stouter and balck as a nigger,
but we are in hopes to get home this fall. I can tell more about
(p4) it when Port Hudson is taken. the tobaco come in good
time. I had been without a month and had to use leaves and coffee
to smoke tobaco is the only comfort the poor soldier can have
besides the letters from home so tell all who have friends in the
army to write often even if they get none in return for often we
have no way of writing or sending letters. write as soon as you
get this and dont wait for me to write
your affectionate husband--Laban Hill
PS--June 10th (it should be Jul 10th)--Glorious news Port
Hudson is ours, it surrenderd today. we are all in great
spirts. the rebs were nearly starved. all they had to eat was
mule meat and corn and they had got out of that some of then said
they had eaten rats and mice, but thank God the river is nearly
clear of rebels and a short time will fix them.