Letter from John Robinson

Quitman Wood County Texas
                               May the 25 A.D 1872

Mr. Joseph Robinson
                                   Dear Uncle,
After My respects to you and your family
    I will say to you that I am well at the present
time hoping this letter will come to your hand and find
you & your family well and the same Uncle Joe I have 
not any thing to wrill write that would interest you more
than times is dull Crops look fine although we had most
too mutch rain this spring for cotton but still it appear 
to be doing verry well, uncle I want you to write to us we have
not heard from you sence Dock & John George left your
house William Rhoads & your son John have written me several
Letters but they dont never say any thing about you & your
Family, I . am living with pap and. I. recon. I will as long
as we both live him and mother is giting old & not able
to take care of them selves hardly. So I will try to take care
of them altho they are in tolable good heath at this time
but pap has bin in mity bad health for the last year
him and mother is both breaking fast they are neither long 
for this wourld but there they ar almost ready to fall and
believe they will fall toward heaven that is a great consolation,
we are the fragments of a broken family but I hope we will be a family in heaven as we once was on earth Uncle Joe I want to see your & your Family verry bad I intend to come and see you all this fall next fall if I can git off but if we dont meet on this earth no more I want your prayeres that we may meet in the blessfull world above I will say to you that Purs Bryant died at out house about two months a go the rest of Mrs Bryants family is well Thomas Jackson & family is well. Write soon so nothing at the present time I remain your Nephew Untell Death John H. Robinson

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