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de Predikantenhuis

"The Preacher's Place"

Come with us, and see our zeal for the LORD! --2 Kings 10:16 [NIV]

This is a website devoted to our ministries, founded upon the REFORMED Faith within Evangelical Christianity.

"I am not ashamed to avow myself a Calvinist"--Charles Haddon Spurgeon

"Calvinism is Christianity in Its Most Consistent Expression."--Dr. Benjamin Breckenridge Warfield
"Calvinism is Christianity at Its Most Regal."--Dr. John R. deWitt

Show Me Dear Christ, Thy Spouse So Bright and Clear

by John Donne (1572-1631)

Show me dear Christ, thy spouse so bright and clear.
What! is it she which on the other shore
Goes richly painted? or which robb'd and tore,
Laments and mourns in Germany and here?
Sleeps she a thousand, then peeps up one year?
Is she self-truth, and errs? now new, now outwore?
Doth she, and did she, and shall she evermore
On one, on seven or on no hill appear?
Dwells she with us, or like adventuring knights
First travel we to seek, and then make love?
Betray, kind husband, thy spouse to our sights,
And let mine amorous soul court thy mild Dove
Who is most true and pleasing to thee then
When she'is embraced and open to most men.

For more poetry of Donne, that also speaks to my spiritual journey, click here

In de Predikanthuis, we subscribe to the three major creeds of Christendom:

The Apostles' Creed
The Nicene Creed
The Athanasian Creed

As well as to the historic, Three Forms of Reformed Unity:

The Heidelberg Catechism
The Belgic Confession
The Canons of Dort (with rejection of errors)

The Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics
The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals
R.C. Sproul's Renewing Your Mind On-Line
Steve Brown's KeyLife Radio Ministry On-Line

Come back soon as we continue to build

de Predikantenhuis...

"Buil(ding) upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, with Christ Jesus as the chief cornerstone!"
--Ephesians 2:20

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The Republican Party of the United States ...the best we have in the USA
The Christian Heritage Party of Canada ...the greatest party anywhere!
The Canadian Alliance Party of Canada ...they are the true conservative alternative to the Liberals!

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