Duesterhoeft Page.

Hi everybody found my web page did ya. Glad to have you here. I hope that you Duesterhoeft's will get some needed information from my web page, if not take a look around and have fun anyway, you need a little enjoyment.

Now for the members of my family.

1. My name is Anthony (Tony).
2. My wife is Cynthia (Cindy).
3. We have three kids.

Felicia ( Flea )
Jessica ( Jess )
Anthony jr. ( Ant )

Now I have 5 grandkids also.
Felicia has 3 boys, Colton, Chase, and Cage.
Jessica has two girls, Chloe,and Brooke.

We live in Naples Florida. We use to live in Blue Hill, Nebraska where my mother, still lives. If you need or want more information on this side of the Duesterhoeft's please E-MAIL me or my mom at E-MAILand we will try and help as best we can. Thanks!




------- Bullhead -------

-------- Facts --------

Not all Bullheads are created equal.

1. Bullheads by any other name are of theCatfish family,---- or are Catfish of the Bullhead family ? Well anyway.......
2. I have found six species of Bullheads to exsist from largest to smallest , they are listed below. They are members of the Ictaluridae which, with some 40 species, is the largest family of freshwater fish to North America; some have been introduced into Europe and elsewhere. Bullheads are omnivorous, bottom-feeding fish, found mostly in still and slow-flowing waters and characterized by a scaleless body, four pairs of barbels, an adipose fin, and stiff, sharp spines at the leading edges of the pectoral and dorsal fins.

Black: 2 to 8 lbs. seldom over 2 lbs. From Montana east to the Great Lakes and south to the Gulf Slope drainage; introduced to Europe.

Brown: 5 lbs. average is 3 lbs. From the Great Lakes and Maine south to Mexico and Florida; introduced to Europe and New Zealand.

Yellow: maximum about 4 lbs. Dakotas to Atlantic and Gulf drainage.

Snail: 4 oz. to 1 pound. Southren Virginia to eastern Alabama and northern Florida.

Flat: 1 lb. to 2 lbs max. Virginia to Georgia.

Spotted: 1 lb. max. is doing good.Florida, Georiga, and Alabama.

Great to know that, huh. When I was young - some time back I went fishing alot,not much to do in Blue Hill, Nebraska and money whats that? So I took my bicycle and off to the farm ponds I went, sometimes riding seven miles to get to a river or pond. Pound and a half, to two pounds was not uncommon. My grandma would cook them up for me, by the way they are very good to eat, yum yum eat em good. I still fish for them, but not as much as I use to, oh well life goes on.

Catfish are Catfish,

.......Bullheads are Bullheads.......

My son Anthony has caught several Brown Bullheads here in South West Florida, and fishes all day and every day. Keeps him out of trouble. Even at the age of 18 now he still loves to fish. He spends his free time now at the pier and fishes for shark and all kinds of salt water fish.

Check out this other Bullhead site.

Bullhead and other fish records

Bullhead Story

Hot Spot Guides for Bullheads and other fish.

These are not Bullheads but these Catfish are very impressive.

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