Gadsby Family Genealogy

Genealogy information for Brayton, Doud, Goff, Fish, Freeborn, Nichols, Volkmann and many others.

Are we related? If you are a direct descendent of any of the following we probably are:





James Gadsby &

~1800 - ~1835

Derbyshire, England

descendents in Yeavley

Albert Julius Volkmann &
Caroline Pautz

1842 - 1874
1842 - 1901

Pomerania, Prussia; WI

Immigrated 1872

Johann Karl Frederich Hoefs
& Dorothea Maria Warmbier

1802 - 1862
1802 - 1874

Pomerania, Prussia; WI

Immigrated 1845

John Specht &

1802 - ~1873
1810 - ~1881

Bavaria, Germany; NY; WI

Immigrated 1854

Solomon Goff &

1764 - 1833+

CT; NY; Bradford Co, PA; Medina Co, OH

Rev. War Veteran

Richard Nichols &

1649 - 1721
~1656 - 1727

Warwick, RI

Origin unknown

John Alden &
Priscilla Mullins

1598 - 1687
1601 - 1688

Plymouth, MA

Came on Mayflower

Henry Doude &

1612 - 1668
1616 - 1713

Guilford, CT

Came with Rev. Whitfield's group

Patrick Fassett &
Sarah Reyley

1628 - 1713
1644 - 1740


Immigrated from Scotland, MacPherson?

Matthew Boomer &

1610 - ~1692
~1614 - 1671+

MA, Newport, RI

Both were frequently in court

William Spencer &
Agnes Harris

1601 - 1640
1604 -

Stotfold, Bedford, Eng; Cambridge, MA; CT

Both from wealthy families, perhaps royalty

Edward Fyshe &

~1475 - 1515
~1480 -

Great Bowden, Leicester, England

Charlemagne &

747 - 813
758 - 783

Emperor of Holy Roman Empire

Alfred the Great

849 - 899


King of England

Indexes to individual information:

Index to surnames

Index to names

Questions I am trying to answer:

  1. Who were parents of Solomon Goff? (b. 1763 in CT?)
  2. Where did Richard Nichols originate? (Richard b. abt 1649, of Warwick, RI)
  3. Who were the parents of Moses Spencer? (Moses b. 6/15/1780 in NY?)
  4. Who were the parents of Susannah Dutton? (Susannah lived in NH, NY & married John Fassett 1809)

Other Information

  1. Family Photos
  2. Transcript of Solomon Goff Revolutionary War Pension
  3. Transcript of Elisha Goff War of 1812 Pension
  4. Download the GEDCOM

Disclaimer: The included information comes from a variety of sources. Information can and will differ from that found in other places - use at your own risk. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, errors can occur. Please report any errors and/or new information to

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Links to other genealogy sites on the Web
Family Tree Maker Site
The Mayflower Web Pages
Roots-L Home Page
US Genweb - genealogy by location
Tri-County Genealogy Site (Bradford, Tioga Co, PA, and Chemung Co, NY)

Geographical Information

US Map Information (Census Bureau)

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