A Spirit Sister

 A soft face with the inner glow of a rising sun.

Her eyes large and luminous and as expressive as a young cat,

Yet there are no shadows, her eyes as honest as the rain.


She has a heart of gold, ever willingly to help a friend in need-

Even when it sets her back a step.


Her soul is as the waves - up




But not forgetting to warn you before a storm.


Her mind is ever working,

Analyzing and thinking.

Flitting from subject to subject like a hummingbird in spring.


Her mind is her own; she is no one else’s person.

She will not confuse others’ goals with her own,

For she knows where she is going.


It is upon this person whom I depend,

Upon her rock solid support and love.

Upon this spirit which is too old for its body.

Upon Ella, my dear friend.


ã 1997 Janelle K. Vargas