The crisp mountain air of early morning in Mammoth.

A white-tailed doe and her spotted fawns.

The desolate desert as the sun tops the jagged peaks.

The tinkling of the river over smooth rocks.

The earthy smell of horses in the rain.

The chance to curl up with a good book.

The sound of my family at a party.

A long, heart-felt laugh.

A beautiful poem that was written straight from the soul.

A song to which I can relate to.

The fog as it wisps around trees in the cool mornings of May.

Rainbow Falls at noon, the double rainbow revealing itself in all its glory.

A lazy trail ride on a hot summer day.

A small talk with a friend, knowing that they understand every word.

The ground squirrels that eat from my hand, trusting me with their lives.

A vigorous hike that leads me to a lake that reflects the surrounding mountains like a mirror.

The feeling of accomplishment because of something done right.

My three month vacation which I spend surrounded by Mother Nature.

All of these things touch my soul in some small way,

All of these things are things that I love!


ã 1997 Janelle K. Vargas