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Claude Calhoun

Isaac (1835 - 2-18-1920) Hester (7-2-1838 - 9-26-1903)

I have very little information on the Calhoun branch of the family, one of the reasons I decided to do this home page. I am hoping to find family members that can help fill in this missing piece of our family history.

I have learned from census records that Isaac was from Mississippi and Hester is listed as being from Kentucky. Isaac and Hester were slaves also. Members of the family recall that Isaac was respected as a slave and as a free man. It was told to me that he was accustomed to having his way. Isaac was also very active in the church.

I have only been able to learn that Hester was part Indian. Land records show that Isaac and Hester also purchased 100 acres of land in Cherokee county. 

Isaac and Hester had 10 children, Moriah 1866, Wade 1869, Mahalia 1870, Gabe 1872, Willis 1874,  Hannah 1876, Winnie 4/1877, Hollie 1879, Bosse 1881, and Lonnie 12/1886.

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