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Come and meet my kids...I have four - one son, and three step-children. They are all at different stages in their lives right now, so teamed with the dog, they create a pretty interesting household at times! Hockey is a big thing in our haouse again this year. With the Moncton Wildcats (QJMHL) making it to the playoffs for the first time in history last year, all fingers are crossed again for this year!

They are also into computers and the internet right now - an interest that is supported by their schools! Some are more adventurous than others. It shows in their respective Home Pages. I help with the typing and the input, but the ideas are thier own ... beyond the first page, anyway!

John, the eldest of the crew has entered his teenage years this year. Time is flying by so quickly, that it seems like he's growing up overnight! Basketball is John's big craze lately, although he also loves to bowl. School's definitely not on the top ten list at the moment.

Kevin is definitely a middle child all the way! Despite his small stature, he sure gives his all to everything that interests him. Kevin's favorite sport is soccer, and he made the school team this year. He loves hockey too and is an avid Montreal Canadians fan.

Adam is my very own child - in more senses than the biological one. Adam has a wide variety of interests at the moment. Like most 10 year old boys, they all seem to center around the macabre - scary movies, scary books, Halloween and so on. When he's older, I'll encourage him to get involved with the drama club, where he can put his fabulous imagination to work!


What can I say about the only girl in a house full of boys? That she's learned patience and survival skills? *L* The boys don't get too much over on this gal! Andrea's latest claim to fame is her fabulous accomplishment in cross country running this year. She took home a silver medal for her school in the district race this year! This is only her second year running! Wow!

I love them each and every one...for their own very special reasons. I look forward to spending a lifetime with them.