Manda Mae's Page

Here are some more pictures of Manda Mae. She is the oldest female of our clan, about 15 months. She is the boss pig of the whole clan. Orders Spazz and any other pig around! She loves to eat, especially leaf lettuce, cucumber, and baby carrots. This is probably why she weighs 3 pounds 1ounces (about 1.4 kg)!

She is an Abbysinian, but not nearly show quality, she has a whole side that has no rosettes except on the rump. Her coloring is also unusual. She has black patches around each eye and a mixed black and grey on the rump. She tends to be skittish, but will cuddle and chatter once you pick her up.

She likes to hide under the sofa, lamp table or dining table and watch the world go by. Sometimes she has hidden and Spazz can't find her. He than starts his "Sweetheart" call. Usually she will come out of her hideout on the second or third call and go over to him. They'll exchange a quick chat, they each is off again.

manda3 Manda on floor Manda Mae

Manda  in the Hay RackManda has a wonderful way of eating hay. She loves to climb up into the hay rack, and fluff it from underneath. This, of course, causes much hay to end up on the caviary floor, the sofa and the family room floor. But HAY she doesn't care, she doesn't have to vacuum the mess up. And she can hide in her hut when the vacuum is running.

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Page maintained by Dale L. Sigler. Copyright © 1997. Updated: 1/24/98