Spazz's Page

Here are more pictures of Spazz. Spazz was neutered when we got him. Having two daughters and two guinea pigs, we figured that was enough little ones. Unfortunately, he had a minor complication with his surgery, it got infected and an abscess formed. This had to be opened, drained and cleaned out. We then had to give him Baytril (an antibiotic) twice a day, and put Nolvasan (an anticeptic) on the wound twice a day. Giving medicine is right up there on the "almost impossible without injury" list.

One of the good things that has come out of this experience is that he is a very quiet cuddler. He makes little noise, unless you are tickling him, and even lets you turn him over on his back for a tummy rub. When on the floor, he leads the piggie train around the entire area, exploring every nook and cranny. If Manda Mae is not on the floor he will "whistle" for her with a very shrill "WHEEEEEET." If she does not responde quickly, it gets louder until she comes out from hiding and "Be-deep"s him. They then come together and chat briefly before taking off to explore.

Spazz and HoneybearSince we have added Honeybear and Penny to the clan, Spazz has quite a harem to oversee. He is the only male allowed out with any of the females. So we find him checking out all of the girls and frequently, if he has spent too much time with Penny or Honeybear, getting in trouble with Manda Mae. My daughters will often comment that he reminds them of some of the boys they know, claiming loyalty to one girl while checking out all the others.

Spazz seems to be a very regal pig. His blark coloring, with little bits of copper brindling, give him an air of mystery and dignity; The muttenchop sideburns just add to the regal image. This all works until you see him walk. Or more precisely, waddle. His rooster tail cowlick on the rump sways from side to side, along with his hind quarters. Much like the Olympic Walkers Stride. He still, at 15 months can popcorn, when he finds something to get excited about. Usually food or one of the females in the clan.

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