

Bobby came to us the same way Aelish did, from the Humane Society. He was sitting in a wicker basket looking totally scared by the noise and activity around him. Again, this was a complete fraud - since he has been here he has demonstrated that he is the alpha dog, often found barking at and standing his ground against the male foster boxers that have spent time here.

Bobby is beginning to settle in after a few months here. He is finally beginning to play with toys and his big sister who still treats him like a baby! Good thing, if she thought he was a grown-up dog, he'd have been bit by now. He can be a real terror when it gets into his head, but mostly he is a sweet little cuddler. The only fault he has is that he loves to bark at the guinea pigs. While this isn't normally a problem, since the pigs are up off the floor, after a half hour of high pitched barking it does get on the nerves!

There is a Chihuahua list on egroups, it has the largest membership of any Chi group, come visit and you'll meet many Chihuahua owners with lots of experience and helpful knowledge. I absolutely refuse to do business with a pet shop that carries animals! After working for the Connecticut Humane Society I see the end result of this too many times.

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