Kind of hard to imagine that that monster above started out this small! Obviously one of Mishka's favorite pasttimes is eating. He loves his Blue Seal pellets and eats lots of Timothy Hay and Romaine lettuce. So now he's this handsome devil!
When the boys had their falling out, Mishka was the most confused of the three. Seems he didn't understand what all the fighting was about. So when Shadow came home, and needed a place to live, he moved in with Mishka. Mishka was great - very gentle with him and eventually seemed to be his protector. When Shadow died I let him smell the body and he seemed to understand that his friend was gone. He lives alone again, but seems okey with that.
Mishka seems to have inherited his sister's and mother's tendancy to have stones, even tho he drinks a fairly good amount of water, he still got a stone. Fortunately I found a really great surgeon, he did the operation and Mishka has gone back to his normal self. Not back to his big size, but still a nice handful to hold. Hopefully he will not have a recurrance of the stone and live to a nice old age.