Smith Family Cyber-Home


What do you keep in your library? Books of course. So, what do you keep in a Cyber-Library? For now, links to reference sites. In the future... who knows? Any suggestions?

If you can't find what you are looking for here, you might want to search at Barnes & Noble to see if you can buy a book on the subject or you can visit our Book Store.

Reference Materials

THOR: The Virtual Reference Desk -- An extensive list of everything from Almanacs to Zip Codes. A good starting place for any research project.

ORB: The Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies -- This may not be a general reference site, but Medieval Europe is an interest of mine. This site looks particularly interesting because of a statement made on the made page: "ORB is an academic site, written and maintained by medieval scholars for the benefit of their fellow instructors and serious students. All articles have been judged by at least two peer reviewers. Authors are held to high standards of accuracy, currency, and relevance to the field of medieval studies."

The Internet Public Library -- A wide range of resources are available from here. This is a location is good for browsing as well as specific research.

Electronic Books

Project Gutenberg --A vast library of books that have entered into the public domain. This includes classics like Alice in Wonderland, Oliver Twist and the works of William Shakespeare. This makes life so much easier when you're writing a paper on "Hamlet" and need get a quote from the famous Soliloquy.

An Online Library of Literature -- A collection of e-texts that ranges from Aesop to Wells. The next entry in the list links to the page listing works for one author, L. Frank Baum.

Stories of Oz -- Oz was one of my favorite places when I was a kid. I must have checked the books out from the library dozens of times. I practically knew them all by heart. This site has the e-text versions of the Oz books written by L. Frank Baum.

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