Padsy - A True Story

Padsy - A True Story

Once Upon A Time there was a beautiful black and white boy called Padsy, who lived in South Lake Tahoe with his Mum, Dad and little sister Hensy. Padsy had captured their hearts at the local animal orphanage when he had gazed out at them from his little cage, head tilted, green eyes so full of curiosity and mischief. They knew then that they were destined to be a family.

First of all the two tiny kittens were a little apprehensive of their new home, shy and cuddling beneath the futon, but soon they began to venture out and came to realise their new home was a place full of love and kindness.

Padsy came to them with the tip of his tiny tail broken, the very end at a strange angle but although it felt sore to the touch he didn't let it bother him. As he grew it grew with him into a gorgeous long, shiny tail - a "monkey tail" as the lady at the vet's office called it. But even though it was broken, Padsy was still perfect in every way.

He would stomp across the floors with an audible "thump", especially when fetching one of his favourite bread-wrappers for us to throw for him. Not just any old bread-wrappers though, preferably the black twisty kind. His perfectly round, green eyes would open wide and he would go flying after them, bringing them back and dropping them triumphantly at your feet ready for another game.

He was the same with his beeb-catching...Padsy would spend hours and hours sitting in the clover in the front garden chasing butterflies and dragon-flies and whatever he caught would be delivered proudly as a gift to his Mum and Dad. He never managed more than a high-pitched "Eee!" for a miaow, but he always let us know it was time to admire his prowess as a hunter. And the day he brought home his one and only rat...well, the world had never seen such a proud puss!

As he grew, Padsy acquired lots of names - Orca-Boy, Jersey-Cow Boy, Moo-Boy, all due to his gorgeous black-and-white markings. His round cheeky chops, his soft, soft fur and the smell when you buried your face in it, the weight of his warm body in your arms and the sound of him purring in your ear, all of these were just a few of the reasons why his Mum and Dad treasured him so.

One day his Dad noticed a small cut on Padsy's upper lip and on closer inspection found that one of his fang teeth had snapped off. He had always loved to chew things (especially wood, metal and other unbreakables!) and now it had cost him most of a tooth. A couple of months later the remains of the tooth had to come out and afterwards we followed him around the house, trying to support his back end as he wobbled around the house like a drunkard, still high from the anaesthetic. His Mum kept his broken tooth...

They were a perfect little family, until one evening Padsy didn't come home. His Mum and Dad searched the neighbourhood all night but couldn't find him.

The next morning his Dad found Padsy's little body only yards from the house, but Padsy's spirit had already left for the Rainbow Bridge, whole and happy again, healed and complete, but still with his cracky tail...

Now we are left with just the memories of our beautiful Padster-Boy and although sometimes it feels as though our hearts will never mend, we must try to remember the good times we shared and all the love he gave us in his all too short life.

That perfect little pink nose that changed hue with the weather, those great big paws, those deep, beautiful, kind eyes, but above all the most innocent, kind, loving, perfect soul of any creature on God's earth. Our lives are so much richer for having loved him.

Gone but never, never forgotten, Padster, you will live on in our hearts forever. Wait for us at the Rainbow Bridge.

We love you always.

Mum, Dad and Hensy.


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