The Seal Pages:

For the genealogical research of the Seal surname.

I am attempting to create a database of the Seal surname. In addition to births, marriages and deaths extracted from indexes held at the Family Record Centre in London and wills extracted from the indexes at First Avenue House, London, I would also like people to submit their Seal family trees so that others researching the name may have access to them.

Credit, thanks and a ripple of applause is due to the valuable contributions of Joan Rowbottom, Eve Tregaskes, Samantha Hoy and Alan ("Faster than a speeding bullet...") Seal in compiling much of the following data.

The Legal Stuff: Please note that whilst every effort has been taken to transcribe indexes and compile these listings accurately, some of the original sources may have been difficult to read and occasionally errors may occur. It is therefore recommended that if you intend to order certificates or incur any other expense based upon these listings you should verify such information yourself. All information on this site is compiled by amateur genealogists who are sharing it free of charge, and as such, no warranties or undertakings are offered in respect of this information. Copyright in the compilations, databases and other materials comprising this site ("Copyright Materials") vests in the various individual contributors and compilers. Individuals are granted permission to access and reproduce such Copyright Materials for their own personal genealogical use, but any use of the Copyright Materials or part thereof for commercial purposes without the prior written approval of the copyright holders is strictly forbidden. Remember to say please and thank you, good manners cost nothing, clean up after your dog and a smile uses less muscles than a frown. Please don't walk on the flower beds...


Seal births in England & Wales 1837 - 1849

Seal births in England & Wales 1850 - 1859

Seal births in England & Wales 1860 - 1869

Seal births in England & Wales 1870 - 1879

Seal births in England & Wales 1880 - 1889

Seal births in England & Wales 1890 - 1899

Seal births in England & Wales 1900 - 1909

Seal births in England & Wales 1910 - 1920

Seal births in England & Wales 1920 - 1929

Seal births in England & Wales 1930 - 1939

Seal births in England & Wales 1940 - 1949

Seal births in England & Wales 1950 - 1959

Seal births in England & Wales 1960 - 1969

Seal births in England & Wales 1970 - 1979

Seal births in England & Wales 1980 - 1983

Seal births in England & Wales 1984 - 2000

British Vital Records 2 CD: Baptisms to 1837

British Vital Records 2 CD: Baptisms 1837 to 1906


Seal marriages in England & Wales 1837 - 1850

Seal marriages in England & Wales 1851 - 1860

Seal marriages in England & Wales 1861 - 1870

Seal marriages in England & Wales 1871 - 1880

Seal marriages in England & Wales 1881 - 1890

Seal marriages in England & Wales 1891 - 1900

Seal marriages in England & Wales 1901 - 1909

Seal marriages in England & Wales 1910 - 1919

Seal marriages in England & Wales 1920 - 1929

Seal marriages in England & Wales 1930 - 1939

Seal marriages in England & Wales 1940 - 1949

Seal marriages in England & Wales 1950 - 1959

Seal marriages in England & Wales 1960 - 1969

Seal marriages in England & Wales 1970 - March 1974

Seal marriages in England & Wales April 1974 - 1983

Seal marriages in England & Wales 1984 - 2000

British Vital Records 2 CD: Marriages to 1837

British Vital Records 2 CD: Marriages 1837 to 1906


Seal deaths in England & Wales 1837 - 1850

Seal deaths in England & Wales 1851 - 1860

Seal deaths in England & Wales 1861 - 1870

Seal deaths in England & Wales 1871 - 1880

Seal deaths in England & Wales 1881 - 1890

Seal deaths in England & Wales 1891 - 1900

Seal deaths in England & Wales 1901 - 1910

Seal deaths in England & Wales 1911 - 1920

Seal deaths in England & Wales 1921 - 1929

Seal deaths in England & Wales 1930 - 1939

Seal deaths in England & Wales 1940 - 1949

Seal deaths in England & Wales 1950 - 1959

Seal deaths in England & Wales 1960 - 1969

Seal deaths in England & Wales 1969 - 1983

Seal deaths in England & Wales 1984 - 2000

National Burial Index 1538 - 1760

National Burial Index 1761 - 1825

National Burial Index 1826 - 1860

National Burial Index 1861 - 2003


County Specific Information (Parish Records, Directories etc)

Other Seal researchers - Now over 70 listed!

Seal wills proved in the English courts 1858-1920

Pre 1858 Seal wills held at Lichfield Record Office, England.

Seal(e)s referred to in The (London) Times 1790 - 1905

English Law Reports featuring Seals

Family Trees submitted to the site

Links to other Seal websites and genealogy sites.

Click here to mail.

Please send me; your trees in GEDCOM format, details of who you are researching, any research extracts of Seal information (parish records, wills, BMD extracts) and anything that may be of interest to other Seal researchers. Oh, and I also just like to hear from you!