North Cherokee Valley Extra Board

09/05/00 07:06:25
Name: H. Cares My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Railroad: Any of them Favorite Railfanning Spot: Palestine What Scale Do You Model: HO
What Is Your Club's Name: None

Nice Page and great photos of the old Depots

02/24/00 02:34:59
Name: mike bateman My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What Scale Do You Model: h.o.


01/20/00 14:03:45
Name: Marjorie Gholson
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

just passing thru. Looking for info on some marklin train cars I found. Trying to price so I can sell. Hoping to find a Texan with some advice I can trust. BG

11/14/99 09:13:02
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Niza. Gracias por dejarme firmar su guestbook

11/03/99 20:56:05
Name: Wil Fiedler My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Railroad: PRR Favorite Railfanning Spot: Eliz. NJ What Scale Do You Model: HO
What Is Your Club's Name: no club


07/16/99 00:44:08
Name: Brad Clauser My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Railroad: Western Maryland Favorite Railfanning Spot: Hagerstown Md. What Scale Do You Model: HO
What Is Your Club's Name: N/A

Nice web page keep up the good work,found your page by searching texas model railroad clubs

07/10/99 00:57:52
Name: Richard Hitchcock My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Railroad: Santa Fe Favorite Railfanning Spot: Cassoday, KS What Scale Do You Model: HO
What Is Your Club's Name: ----

Thank you for adding my web page to yours. My HO scale railroad is ficticious spin-off from Santa Fe from 1988. This was a branchline in the foot hills of the Colorado Rockies near Raton Pass. It became the Colorado and Southern Wichita Railroad. I do 't belong to a club.

05/06/99 15:55:43
Name: Ron Duke My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Railroad: MKT Favorite Railfanning Spot: Dallas area What Scale Do You Model: HO
What Is Your Club's Name: n.a


04/21/99 00:19:12
Name: Railroad Information My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Railroad: All

Had to resubmit this entry because of change from "htm" to "html" designation. Have moved site to a secure (SSL) server. Railroad Information lists shows & events FREE of charge to railroad clubs, associations, societies, etc. Will have an on-line form fo sumiting listings soon. Visit often!

04/06/99 20:17:08
Name: Lon Landry My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Railfanning Spot: I like to watch the trains go by next to my apt. in downtown Houston
What Scale Do You Model: HO

I am new to this (just set my first train up last night. Pages like this are very helpful!!

03/26/99 22:47:01
Name: Nathan Driscoll My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Railroad: Norfolk Southern Favorite Railfanning Spot: Along the former Wabash R.R. mainline (now Norfolk Southern) Between Decatur, Illinois and Bement, Illinois What Scale Do You Model: HO
What Is Your Club's Name: Don't have one yet but do have a concept for a railroad ( The Okaw Valley R.R.) Regional that interchanges with Norfok Southern and BNSF. I would like to start a club built around this concept.

I would like to see some pictures of you layout on this site sometime.

03/22/99 20:35:20
Name: Tim Eckel My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Railroad: Texas & Pacific Favorite Railfanning Spot: 2 many to list What Scale Do You Model: HO & G
What Is Your Club's Name: Tex. Caprock M.R.R.E.

Just surfing, and this look's like a good one to surf.

02/24/99 13:29:04
Name: Moe Moser My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Railroad: PRR
What Scale Do You Model: N-scale

I looked for your location but its not on here today. Would like to come visit someday.

12/14/98 15:59:06
Name: Robin Matthysen My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Railroad: Canadian Pacific
Favorite Railfanning Spot: Spiral tunnels between Lake Louise and Field What Scale Do You Model: N Gauage

Georgetown is quite small and doesn't have a model railroad club at the moment. I enjoy visiting model railroad sites as they inspire me to go further with my layout

11/04/98 20:02:13
Name: RonSpellman My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Railroad: Dont have one Favorite Railfanning Spot: Harpers Ferry, W.VA What Scale Do You Model: all
What Is Your Club's Name: None

I enjoy the information I usually find when checking in with your site.

10/12/98 07:27:46
Name: harold bower My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Railroad: mo-pac & s.p. Favorite Railfanning Spot: at work What Scale Do You Model: ho
What Is Your Club's Name: currently not in a club

really enjoyed photos of the depots.i am a engineer on the u.p. and work in zone 3 of the houston hub.currently i work a switch engine in nacogdoches.i have been looking for depot pictures and east texas rr history and have found it here. keep up the good work!

10/04/98 12:30:08
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

09/22/98 02:04:02
Name: Danny Crim My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Railroad: Burlington Northern
What Scale Do You Model: HO

Finilly found you ..nice page would like to see pictures of your layout and a time when I might visit.

09/14/98 16:41:46
Name: Vince Mutulo My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Railroad: Southern Pacific Favorite Railfanning Spot: New to Texas from Calif What Scale Do You Model: HO
What Is Your Club's Name: No club

Very nice page, I live in Murchison currently, feel free to contact me at above e-mail address. Want to meet some East Texas Model Railroaders.

09/02/98 13:18:34
Name: Dennis Snelling My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Railroad: All of Them Favorite Railfanning Spot: Anywhere I Can! What Scale Do You Model: HO
What Is Your Club's Name: None Yet!!

Super rail site...have bookmarked it for future reading. Thanks to ya'll for providing this information to us rail fans. Keep up this Great Work..See you at the Conventions.

08/27/98 00:25:57
Name: KEITH FARRIS My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Railroad: SANTA FE,UNION PAC Favorite Railfanning Spot: NONE What Scale Do You Model: HO
What Is Your Club's Name: NONE


08/12/98 13:27:33
Name: Railroad Information
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Great site! Railroad Information will list your club fund raising shows and events for FREE. Please keep us informed. Check out our site: for details. Thanks. Will

07/31/98 23:04:44
Name: Chris Frank My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Railroad: BN Favorite Railfanning Spot: Maria's Pass What Scale Do You Model: HO/N
What Is Your Club's Name: N.A.R.C.

Hi from Melbourne Australia Guys. You're doing a great job

07/28/98 23:10:15
Name: Andy Zody My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Railroad: Santa Flush Favorite Railfanning Spot: Cajon What Scale Do You Model: HO
What Is Your Club's Name: Roundhouse Gang

Really enjoyed reviewing your are cool! Good luck!

07/19/98 20:09:31
Name: Bill Hale My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Railroad: Texas Mexican
Favorite Railfanning Spot: Englewood Yard, Downtown Houston What Scale Do You Model: HO

Great web site! If anyone out there would like to correspond concerning the TexMex (KCS) Railroad, please e-mail me.

07/19/98 20:08:27
Name: Bill Hale My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Railroad: Texas Mexican
Favorite Railfanning Spot: Englewood Yard, Downtown Houston What Scale Do You Model: HO

Great web site! If anyone out there would like to correspond concerning the TexMex (KCS) Railroad, please e-mail me.

06/17/98 00:57:25
Name: Fred "Phread" Voelcker My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Railroad: Ma & Pa RR/EBT RR
What Scale Do You Model: HO/HOn3 What Is Your Club's Name: Private Road Name Modelers SIG

The Private Road Name Modelers SIG now has it's new Web Site open for public browsing at Please drop in and take a look around. We're a small group and starved for publicity, until the Internet. Would it be at all possible to add a link to your site for us? Please drop me a note and let me know? Fred "Phread" Voelcker Director, PRNM SIG

06/15/98 02:57:22
Name: Bill Wright, MMR My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Railroad: GBW & DMIR
What Scale Do You Model: HO What Is Your Club's Name: San Jacinto MRRC, Katy MRRC

The URL to your club location did not work. Great site. Greater photos. Do you have a club railroad?

05/23/98 04:33:08
Name: KEVIN STROUD My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Railroad: UNION PACIFIC (OFCOURSE) Favorite Railfanning Spot: DIESEL SHOP HERE IN BEAUMONT ,TEXAS What Scale Do You Model: H.O


04/29/98 17:08:07
Name: Harry L. Southall,Jr., RN My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Railroad: T&P Lousiana Div.
Favorite Railfanning Spot: Bunkie. La. What Scale Do You Model: 1/87 (HO)

This a site that I am interested in because of your connection to the T&P. Will visit the site more in the future. Harry

04/19/98 22:01:48
Name: Tom Mantooth My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Railfanning Spot: Colorado
What Scale Do You Model: HO Standard gauge What Is Your Club's Name: none at this time


03/07/98 04:18:00
Name: Jim Maddox My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Railroad: Rock Island
Favorite Railfanning Spot: Waxahachie, TX What Scale Do You Model: HO


01/30/98 13:53:12
Name: Kyle King My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Favorite Railroad: Southern Pacific
Favorite Railfanning Spot: Corsicana, Teague, Tower 55

Nice page, I like the ideas you have for your model railroad.

08/06/97 00:11:53
Name: Tracy Reagan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Railroad: UP,SP,CottonBelt Favorite Railfanning Spot: Anywhere What Scale Do You Model: O, HO, N.
What Is Your Club's Name: North Cherokee Valley

Hi Mike; I made it!!! The homepage is starting out ok. We will have to see about getting some pics.

07/30/97 07:01:03
Name: Michael Ellis My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Railroad: BNSF, KCS, IAIS, MRL Favorite Railfanning Spot: Waxahachie, Palestine, Saginaw, Ft.Worth What Scale Do You Model: HO
What Is Your Club's Name: North Cherokee Valley

Hello, This is Test number Two.

07/30/97 06:03:44
Name: Test Boy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Favorite Railroad: up Favorite Railfanning Spot: Palestine What Scale I Model: HO
What Is Your Club's Name: NCVHOSMRRC

Just a test!

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