† Graphics By Aimee †

Be patient while this page loads..there are a lot of images here, so it will take a few minutes!

All graphics immediately below are my designs. Click on the boxes to view full size. You can save any of these by clicking the right mouse button and then selecting "save as..." (if you're using Navigator). These are in .gif or .jpg format, however, you can dowload numerous shareware programs, which can convert these to any other format (such as .bmp). The .bmp version of these designs can be applied as wallpaper, so that every time you turn on your computer you're welcomed by a Biblical message!!


Other Christian Graphics

I do not take credit for these!Although, I have used many of these graphics to make Bible bookmarks, magnets, keychains, etc!



The above pictures have copyrights, so you can't use them, but if you like these picture, there's more like them....just click on the pictures to visit their creators....


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