God Bless America and God Bless our Troops




"He sent down His love on the wings of a dove."

   Jesus Christ  


Hello! My name is Frances, I am very pleased you have stopped by to see me. Make yourself at home and let me tell you about myself. I have always believed in Jesus, but never really knew Him. While listening to a television ministry, I accepted Jesus as my Savior.

I set out at that time to really learn about Him, I read the Bible and every book I could get my hands on to learn about Jesus. I called ministers to my home and asked them question about the Lord. Soon all the members of my family accepted Jesus as their Savior.

My husband and I have been married for 44 years and have a son and daughter, and I have a granddaughter from my daughter. We were baptized at the Assembly Of God Church. I'm still learning everyday something new about our Lord. And yes after 24 years I am still making mistakes. As the old saying goes "I'm not perfect just forgiven by the Lord."

As I look around and see how things are going in this world, I Praise the Lord that he reached out for me and I heard Him just in time.

I would advise everyone to accept Jesus and don't wait thinking you have plenty of time. Death comes at no particular age, and after death there is no second chance. To gain your Salvation, if you have any questions e-mail me, and if I don't have the answer I will find someone who will. Look in at the doors below and see which place you want to spend ETERNITY. Jesus is waiting for you.


Would you like to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior? This is one choice only you can make.
You may enter the door of Salvation, and have eternal life. Or the door of eternal death, and be lost away from God for eternity.
You may want to read some scriptures on salvation first. Click on Jesus name below.

Remember Jesus said: "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

Please make the right choice.

Click on the door of Salvation or the door of Darkness.

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