Welcome to Burt's & Deutsch's Place.

Burt aka: Burtrum Bill the Wonder Bunny, Mr. Handsom and The Boss

Burt is gone now but he was one of those unforgetable personalities that come along (all two and a half pounds of him). His nicknames pretty much discribe him, he ran the house. There will never be another Burt but thank goodness there are more unforgetable personalities that come into a persons life.

Deutsch aka: Mr. Extra Cute

Burt was still with us when I brought Deutsch home on October 11, 1997. Two and a half months later Burt went to the Rainbow Bridge and Deutsch, bacame my best buddy, he lavished me with bunny kisses and groomed my face at night while I slept. He kept me going when I wanted to give up. He was a solid soul with a big heart, he knew just what look to give me for what I needed. He could make me melt.

Deutsch went to the Rainbow Bridge September 14, 2006

Here are the current personalities at Burt's Place

Sure bunnies are cute but the gratitude and appreciation you receive from an older rabbit needing a home is a wonderful experience. Don't be afraid to adopt an older animal of any kind it is so rewarding you will wonder why you have never done it before.

Last updated 01/28/2009

Coming soon The Cat Page or as a friend put it Sugarspeaks which will make more sense once you meet the cats.


   Bailey & Jackie

DOB: Bailey 2003 and Jackie 2006

Adopted: August 16, 2008

Sex: Spayed Females

Breed: Netherland Dwarf Mix

Color: Bailey is a black dwarf dutch and Jackie is a Blue Marten

Special Notes: Very friendly bonded pair, Bailey is the first one to get into things. They are now living apart, their "hobby" became humping each other constantly.


DOB: 2005 ?

Adopted: September 18, 2006

Sex: Neutered Male

Breed: Dutch

Color: Tortoise shell and white

Special Notes: Jasper was a stray that had been brought to a shelter then moved on 9/17/2007 to the one I found him at, so he is my free spirit.


DOB: 2007

Adopted: May 8, 2007

Sex: Neutered Male

Breed: Netherland Dwarf

Color: Black Otter

Special notes: He is very small, but big on personality.


DOB: 2005/2006

Adopted: May 8, 2007

Sex: now neutered Male after fathering ten little buns.

Breed: Satin

Color: Red broken pattern

Special notes: Foster Rabbit, bonded to Shanay.


DOB: 2005/2006

Adopted: May 8, 2007

Sex: Spayed Female, she is glad to give up motherhood for forever R & R. She was an excellent mom under the worst conditions.

Breed: Satin

Color: Broken pattern red blanket

Special notes: Foster rabbit, bonded to Lexur.


DOB: 4/24/2007

Adopted: 5/8/2007

Sex: Neutered Male

Breed: Satin

Color: Tri-color broken pattern

Special Notes: Friendly and so cute. Son of Lexur and Shanay. Part of their second litter of six.


DOB: 2008

Adopted: 11/10/2008

Sex: Neutered Male

Breed: Netherland Dwarf

Color: Chocolate

Special Notes: Friendly and so cute. His personality has really started to shine.


DOB: 2008

Adopted: 1/23/2009

Sex: Male

Breed: Lop

Color: Broken white pattern

Special Notes: Friendly and was supposed to be the sister of Bugs. With the familar smell of male rabbit spray further investegation did prove my nose was right . Honey is a in tack male. I am also in doubt these two are from the same litter.


DOB: 2008

Adopted: 1/23/2009

Sex: Neutered Male

Breed: Mixed

Color: Good question

Special Notes: Friendly and is supposed to be Honey's brother. I don't think they came from the same litter.

   Mary Lou

DOB: 3/24/2007

Sex: Spayed Female

Breed: Satin

Color: Red broken pattern.

Special Notes: One of Shanay and Lexur's off spring from the first litter of four. She was adopted with her brother Oscar but the family moved and I got them back. They do have a new forever home to go to when spring gets here.


DOB: 3/24/2007

Sex: Neutered Male

Breed: Satin

Color: Broken pattern red blanket

Special notes: One of Shanay and Lexur's off spring from the first litter of four. He was adopted with his sister but the family moved and I got them back . They do have a new forever home to go to when spring gets here.<

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