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All Reunions listed must take either place in Coffee County, or have a direct connection to one of the pioneer families there. Please email me as soon as posible so others may have time to contact you. Please put the word "Reunion" in the subject line of your message. **These reunions are not in any particular kind of order.**

The Descendants of John and Mary Ruis will hold a family reunion on 30 Mar 2002 at Reidsville Georgia. Contact William Orbie Ruis Jr for more info. William Orbie Ruis Jr. (912) 557-697- or (912) 682-1882


There will be a reunion for descendants of Charley (Bob) CARVER and Amanda STEVENS, and John A. MERRITT and Amanda STEVENS CARVER: Reunion will be held Sunday July 18, 1999 from 10:00 am to 4:00pm at Sun Trust Bank Lake Lodge located off Highway 158 West (Baker Highway) Douglas, Coffee County, Georgia. More information may be obtained by calling Catherine or Connie Carver at 1-904-845-2598 or Bonnie Carver Cooper at 1-912-496-7955.


The Descendents of Daniel Patrick Spivey and Salina (Lankford) Spivey will have a reunion on 8 May 99 at the General Coffee State Park , starting at 11:00 Am and ending at around 5:00Pm. Daniel Patrick and Salina's children were John Franklin Spivey, Martha Ann(Spivey) Raper, James Ervin Spivey, Luviney (Spivey) Adams, Adeline (Spivey) Realiford, Danaria(Spivey) Kelley, Effie (Spivey) Arnold, Mattie (Spivey) Trowell, and Pricilla (Spivey) Arnold. If you are a descendent of Edmond or one of his son's we would love to have you in attendance, as Edmond is the Spivey we all are descended from.
This reunion is a covered dish reunion, so please bring a covered dish, and any old photos and stories that you may have . If you have a family tree please bring this along so you may share with others your family history.
If you would like to attend please contact me at (706) 855-9973 or e-mail me at (Bobby L. Graham)
or my Cousin, Cousin Ella Mae Stone , at (912) 345-2666 or Alene Meeks, at (706) 863-7451


On Saturday March 20th there will be a Samp Smith family reunion at Salem Holiness Baptist Church in Coffee County. Be prepared to supply genealogical information.

There will be a reunion for the descendants of Christopher C (Buck) White and Rhoda Griffis White on the Sunday closest to the 4th of July. We have a covered dish dinner, served around noon. It is to be held at the Coffee General State Park on Hwy 32 in Douglas, Georgia. For further information you can contact Maliea and Donald Sirmans at 1-912-427-2241.

Douglas High School

Alumni Reunion

FRIDAY-SUNDAY, MAY 28-30, 1999

All School Years


Cost $40 per personThis includes registration and welcome package, welcome reception/entertainment, DHS assembly, banquet/entertainment, continental breakfast

Donna or Chris at 384-5978 for registration form.
Or write to:
DHS, Douglas Welcome Center, P.O. Box 470, Douglas, Ga. 31534 or Fax (912)384-2489

There will be a reunion for the Charles and Eliza (Ryals)Purvis family on May 22, 1999 at the General Coffee State Park, Douglas, Ga. Family shelter #1, from 10am until 9:45pm. There will be a $2.00 parking fee collected at the gate for each vehicle entering. Bring a covered dish and beverage. More information may be obtained by calling Beach E. Maulden at 912-383-7744, or e-mailing to

The Wooten Family Reunion will be held Saturday, April 10, 1999 at 11:00 a.m. at the Pridgen Baptist Church Social Hall. Please bring a covered dish and your old family pictures with you name written on the back. If you are coming from out of town, call Debbie Wooten at 912-359-3429 to see what paper products to bring, instead of food. Also, if you want an reunion T-shirt, please send $6.50 per shirt and sizes to Quitman and Debbie Wooten, 3096 Brooks Rd., Broxton, GA 31519. You will receive your shirts at the reunion. If you have other questions, call Debbie.
This reunion is being organized by the descendants of Jesse Richard Wooten and Georgann Massouri Pridgen. All related families are invited.

There will be a reunion for descendants of Charley (Bob) Carver and Amanda Stevens, and John A. Merritt and Amanda Stevens Carver: Reunion will be held MAY 2 and 3, 1998 from 10:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. at Sun Trust Bank Lake Lodge located off Highway 158 West (Baker Highway) Douglas, Coffee County, Georgia. More information may be obtained by calling Catherine or Connie Carver at 1-904-845-2598 or Bonnie Carver Cooper at 1-912-496-7955.

Melody M. McCook / Douglas / Georgia

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