Catoprion mento

Catoprion mento

Scientific Name: Catoprion mento
Common Name: Wimple Piranha
Range: Widespread throughout the Amazon Basin, Rio Parana, Rio Paraguay, and Orinico and its tributaries
Adult Size: 5"
Tank Size: Adult specimens of this species should be maintained in a tank of at least 25gallons.
Compatible Species: Its own kind
Hunting Method: Stalking. They stealthily approach prey from behind, and when they are in range they get into a "strike position" (as I call it) -They fully extend their dorsal and anal fins and quickly strike at the prey, removing scales and fins. They can strike many times very quickly before the prey can react.

Comments: The Wimple Piranha is not actually classified as a true Piranha, because its teeth are different from the true Piranhas. The teeth are inverted and spaced apart, and not interlocking, like true Piranhas should be. This is an aggressive fin/scale eating type of fish, it feeds almost exclusivly on the scales and fins of other fish. For this reason, it cannot be kept with any other fish or species of Piranha besides its own kind, unless the other fish are intended as hosts for the Wimple.

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