

Website created by Rob

Piranha gaurding nest, Piranha Fry, Piranha Eggs, Red Belly Piranhas, Wimple Piranha, and Bushy Nose Pleco pictures by Rob

Title picture by Leo G. Nico

Dusky Piranha picture by Jessica of Jessica's Ark

Piranha playing dead picture and Piranha Skull graphic by Craig Brown of PiranhaCam

Serrasalmus humeralis, Serrasalmus brandtii, 1st Pygocentrus piraya, 1st/2nd Pygocentrus nattereri (Yellow King Emperor/Gold Dust variation), 1st/2nd Serrasalmus geryi, 8th/9th Serrasalmus rhombeus and 1st Serrasalmus spilopleura pictures by Wayne Mah

Red Skull graphic by unknown

Caiman picture by unknown

Freshwater Dolphin picture by unknown

4th Pygocentrus nattereri (Red Belly variation) picture under "Piranha Species" by Mike McEwan of Aquaria Central

Serrasalmus rhombeus pictures 1 to 4, by Kent

5th Serrasalmus rhombeus picture by Daniel Grummon of Daniel Grummon's Home Page

Serrasalmus rhombeus pictures 10 to 12, and Serrasalmus spilopleura pictures 2 to 4 by Jason Bolin of Piranha - Fact vs. Fiction

6th and 7th Serrasalmus rhombeus pictures by Brandon of The Nifty Homepage

Serrasalmus cariba picture by unknown

The following references where used for correct Piranha taxonomic information, and Piranha history/myths:
David M. Schleser, Author of "Piranhas A Complet Pet Owner's Manual".

Frank Magallenes, of Oregon Piranha & Exotic Fish Exhibit (OPEFE)

NG Documantary, "Wolf in the Water the Piranha"

Wolfgang Schulte, Author of "PIRANHAS in the Aquarium"

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