18 inch Rhombeus!!!:
Comments:This large, and very powerful species of piranha is not considered dangerous to man in the wild state. Throughout its life, this fish undergoes many morphological changes. When young, it is primarily
a light silver in color with numerous dark spots throughout its body. As it grows, the spots slowly disappear,
and the rest of the colors become progressively darker, almost to the point of being completely black. The
eyes remain red. Its shape also becomes incredibly blunter and stockier with age. 10" seems to be the
"magic number" in which these fish take on their mature stage. When we refer to the black piranha, we are
actually referring to a complex of several different forms and closely knit species of fish, all with slightly
different habits and appearences. Due to their intolerant behavior, these fish should be kept solitary, and are
best suited to large display aquariums.
By Brandon