Serrasalmus spilopleura

Serrasalmus spilopleura

Scientific Name: Serrasalmus spilopleura
Common Names: Black Diamond Piranha, Golden Piranha, Red-Throated Piranha
Range: Widespread throughout the Amazon River and its tributaries, Rio Parana, and Rio Paraguay
Adult Size: 8"
Tank Size: Adult specimens of this species should be maintained in a tank of at least 50gallons.
Compatible Species: NONE
Hunting Method: Approaching under guise. This species has been known to linger around prey without showing intrest. They slowly approach prey without alarming them, then suddenly dash toward the prey to bite off a fin.

Comments: The Black Diamond Piranha is a very aggressive species and can be dangerous to an unexperienced Piranha keeper. This species is a fin nipping type of Piranha, just like the Wimple Piranha. It should be kept solitary.

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