The Wimple Piranha

The Wimple Piranha

By Rob

The Wimple Piranha is a member of a small group of "fin-nipping" type of Piranha. Their appearance is unique among Piranhas, they are somewhat elongated, with long fins and a clearly defined underbite. Their body color is a very iridescent green to silvery color that has a magnificent shine to it, especially when viewed in natural sunlight.

They are piscivoric, - meaning they will not accept anything other than live food. They may snatch up a piece of meat tossed into the tank, but will immediately spit it out upon realizing it is not living prey. Their method of feeding is to slowly swim up to prey in a non-threatning manner and then quickly nip off a scale, or fin.

They are rather fragile and can take some time before getting settled into new surroundings. When you first acquire your Wimple Piranha, you will have to keep stress factors to a minimum. The first foods offered should be feeder fish about the same size as the Wimple. The reason for this is that all Wimples are wild caught and their first instinct will be to nip the scales and fins off fish. However, they will eat small feeders whole. Their mouth is designed more for nipping scales and fins off larger fish less for catching individual prey, this makes it harder for the Wimple Piranha to catch small prey in its mouth. You may offer stunned (so he can catch them easily) feeder fish small enough for the Wimple to eat whole.

After your Wimple Piranha is settled into its new environment you will see that they have a very curious nature and often times will stare at you and watch what you are doing. They easily become "pet-like" and can be trained to accept small feeder fish from your hand.

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