

Welcome to my personal page.

My Beautiful Wife
Hope you enjoy this page.

I am very happy you stopped in, just wipe your feet, I just vaccuumed the carpet. =]



Well this is a picture of my recital. We had almost 500 students participate in four different shows. I started the "Ivey League" just two years ago with 13 classes. It has rapidily grown to 90+ classes and has branched out to 8 different instructors. We teach from 3 years upto adults. During the summer months, we host dance, twirling and cheerleading clinics. If you're ever in okinawa, "Swing" on in.


Yes, I know it may be hard to believe, with this young face and girlish figure, But I am retired from the USAF. I retired in '93 as a SSgt. I served for ten years as a personnel management specialist, prior to being medically retired. Yes these dancing feet used to do the combat boot shuffle. (Although my hubby had to shine the boots!) I served in Yokota AB., Japan and then moved to Vandenberg AFB., Ca. Where I met and stole the heart of this Straping young Stud on the other page!

As I said before, thanks for stoppin by our happy home in Okinawa Japan. Ive enjoyed the visit. Please come back soon. I should have my resume posted soon as well as more information about family and friends.

Steve and I

Thsi is a picture of Steve and I at the Air Force 50th Anniversary Ball. We had a wonderful evening and enjoyed the ball greatly.

I would like to make a special dedication to Chris for putting up with me on the computer. For all the times she has heard "Honey, Just five more minutes and I'll be done-PROMISE". This is for you Chris.


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