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Hello from Patrick, Cindy, and Shannon. Our dogs are Daisy Mae & Sprocket (Jack Russell Terriers).
We're always updating, so keep checking in!

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Remembering Hunter....

Family Information:

Cindy and Patrick met in high school (October 1986), and were married July 14, 1990.
Patrick has a BA degree from Brooks Institute of Photography and works for Verizon Wireless.
Cindy has an AS degree from Santa Barbara City College. She is a pre-school teacher.

Shannon Elisabeth was born on December 17, 1996.
Shannon just finished 1st grade, and will be starting 2nd grade in August. She is a gifted reader, reading at the 12th grade level. Her favorite TV shows are: Kim Possible, The Fairly OddParents, and Spongebob Squarepants.

If you's like to read how Shannon came into this world, click here to read her birth story and to see a VERY pregnant picture of me.

Cindy's interests include:
Surfing the web, working on preschool stuff, watching American Idol, playing with Shannon, watching movies with Patrick

Patrick's interests include:
Being a daddy, listening to alternative music, photography, coffee, mountain biking, Dilbert, watching NASCAR(Go Rusty Wallace!) races
and NFL football games, etc.

Family Photos and Personal Web Pages:

Shannon Pics updated 7/6/01 Family Pictures
Links Cindy's Page
Daisy Molly
Winter 1999/2000 A Tribute to Hunter
Webrings Sprocket

Please come back soon and visit us!

This page last updated on June 24, 2004

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