Sharing By The Sea 97


Girl Scout Adults. All councils welcome.


8th Annual Multi-Council Adult Girl Scout Learning Exchange. This event is planned and coordinated by volunteers from several councils. This event is not sponsored by any one council.


Friday evening, November 14th through Sunday Noon, November 16th 1997


Dunes Manor hotel, Ocean City, Maryland. Ocean front at 28th St.

(This is a Victorian style hotel, with private meeting rooms, a pool, Jacuzzi, exercise room, an afternoon tea and the beach)


"To make new friends and reunite with the old" The focus of this event is multi-council sharing and networking. It provides an opportunity to make new friends, to share knowledge and to have fun together.

For more information about SBTS 97... email me...

If you can't make this but would like more information for next year please email me.....