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This page is dedicated to those of us who spend the nights peering into the "unknown" with our eyes and cameras. In this pursuit, there are many levels of accomplishment. Some of it is dependent on a persons equipment, but mostly on ones continuous striving for improvement. I started from ground zero in the spring of 1999. The picture on this page was my first attempt, and unfortunately for me, it came out as well as it did. I figured, "hey, this isn't so hard", but reality very soon caught up with my "beginners luck". On the pages that follow I'll show both the good results, along with some bad ones, with explanations of just what went wrong with them. I hope that this will be able to help and inspire others who are interested in pursueing this hobby, just as the pages of beautiful photos I've seen from "senior" astrophotographers have inspired me. Hopefully I will be able to put a nice list of links together so you can explore the heavens from your computer! Any comments or suggestions are always welcome.

First Astro Photo-M8 The Lagoon Nebula area

Taken with a Meade LX5 8" SCT f/6.3 with f/6.3 reducer focal length 840mm on Fuji Superia X-tra 800 unhypered, 1 hour manually guided. I printed the photo as an 8X10 and scanned it in a 600 dpi desktop flatbed scanner. I then did minimal enhancing on it with Paint Shop Pro. Many errors can be found with this photo, but it's only a starting place to hopefully grow from!

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