Family-Home-School--We love it!

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Kathy and Steve: we're the parents of this happy bunch, married in 1988, to create and raise a family:

  1. Our family is closer because we homeschool.
  2. At least for right now, parents and children spend more time together. There's a lot of joy in watching our kids grow and learn daily.
  3. Our kids play together better because they don't have the attitude common in government schools: that kids of a different age group are unworthy somehow.
  4. From Carl Sagan's The Dragons of Eden (Ballantine, 1977):
    "Particularly today, when so many difficult and complex problems face the human species, the development of broad and powerful thinking is desperately needed. There should be a encourage, in a humane and caring context, the intellectual development of especially promising youngsters. Instead we find, in the instructional and examination systems of most of these countries, an almost reptilian ritualization of the educational process ..."

    You can find a lot of info about homeschooling by reading newsgroups at; or add your own "two cents" worth :-).

    Married not marred w/Children

    Pre-parenthood we were regular people with our own bathrooms and we dared to eat candy in the open!

    Kathy tutored at the University of Michigan writing lab--now she tutors her kids! Steve, marine engineer, tries to involve himself as much as possible in family life.

    Kathy started taking piano lessons along with our three oldest. They're having a great time!

    A few photos for our family and friends to check out:
    Our little family Biker Wanabee
    Ana & Laura Katie w/doll Ana w/Laura
    dragon costume Peter Pan
    Ben w/Anais

    Here are links to some of our favorite sites:

    Parenting sites: